A Thirty Year Review
Edited by
Wladimir Andreff
Studies in Economic Transition
Series Editors
Jens Hölscher
The Business School
Bournemouth University
Bournemouth, Dorset, UK
Horst Tomann
Department of Economic Policy
and Economic History
Freie Universitaet (FU) Berlin
Berlin, Germany
This series brings together theoretical and empirical studies on the trans-
formation of economic systems and their economic development. The
transition from planned to market economies is one of the main areas of
applied theory because in this field the most dramatic examples of change
and economic dynamics can be found. It is aimed to contribute to the
understanding of specific major economic changes as well as to advance
the theory of economic development. The implications of economic
policy will be a major point of focus.
More information about this series at
Wladimir Andreff
Economic Studies
in Europe
A Thirty Year Review
Wladimir Andreff
Pantheon-Sorbonne University
Paris, France
ISSN 2662-6675 ISSN 2662-6683 (electronic)
Studies in Economic Transition
ISBN 978-3-030-48294-7 ISBN 978-3-030-48295-4 (eBook)
© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer
Nature Switzerland AG 2021
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In Honour of Horst Brezinski
Introduction 1
Wladimir Andreff
Political Economy in Comparative Studies
The Political Economy of Socialism Revisited 13
Hans-Jürgen Wagener
The Development of Thinking on the Czechoslovak
Economic Transformation 35
Martin Myant
The Hard Budget Constraint as the P illar of the Economy 57
Michael Keren
Illiberal and “Inward-Looking” Drives: What Fuels Them? 73
Daniel Daianu
The Political Economy of Sovereign Wealth Funds 97
Jürgen Jerger
Comparative Economics Still on the Tracks
European Higher Education: Challenges and Achievement 111
Bruno Dallago
Eurozone: Crisis, Policies and Reforms 149
Enrico Marelli and Marcello Signorelli
Brexit: The Lure of the Neoliberal Thought Collective 171
Jens Hölscher and Peter Howard-Jones
The Limits of Europe: Lessons from Post-Communist
Experience for the Post-Brexit Union 191
László Csaba
Eurozone Membership and Foreign Direct Investment 211
Randolph Luca Bruno and Saul Estrin
Multinationals from Post-socialist Countries: How Large
Their Foreign Investments Can Be? 227
Magdolna Sass
Non-Observed Economy vs. Shadow Economy
and Informal Employment in Poland: A Range
of Mismatching Estimates 249
Philippe Adair
The Yugoslav Successor States: From Self-Management
Socialism to Political Capitalism 279
Will Bartlett
Is (Post-Communist) China Becoming a Dominant
Economic Power in South East Asia? 297
Desmond Okwor and Johannes S tephan
The Power of Technology in the US and China:
A Comparison 321
Vittorio Valli
New Extensions of Comparative Economic Studies
Electronic Commerce—Markets, Competition, and Social
Welfare: A Clash with History of Economic Thought 357
David M. Kemme
The Economic Determinants of the Olympic Performance
in Communist and Post-Communist Countries 377
Wladimir Andreff
Introducing Hard Budget Constraints Without Restricting
Entrepreneurs: The Role of Voluntary Agreements
in UEFA’s Club Licensing and Financial Fair Play
Regulations 413
Egon Franck
Index 439
Notes on Contributors
Philippe Adair, Ph.D. in Economics and Ph.D. in Sociology, is the
former Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management, University
Paris-Est Créteil. He is a member of the ERUDITE research team and
has supervised thirteen PhDs. He taught i n Algeria, Djibouti, Morocco,
Poland, Tunisia, Ukraine and Vietnam. He specialises in labour economics
and financial analysis. His two main research topics are the informal
economy and small businesses funding including microfinance in devel-
oping/transition and developed countries. His areas of expertise are the
EU and North Africa. He records over 100 publications, including chap-
ters in ten books and twenty-five articles in ranked journals. References:
Philippe Adair at IDEAS, Philippe Adair at
Wladimir Andreff Emeritus Professor at the University Paris 1
Panthéon-Sorbonne; President of the Scientific Council at the Observa-
tory of the sports economy, French Ministry of Sports; EACES Honorary
Member and former President (1996–1998); 2019 Chellarurai Award
of the European Association of Sport Management; Honorary Presi-
dent of the International Association of Sports Economists and of the
European Sports Economics Association; former President of the French
Economics Association (2007–2008). He has taught in 15 universities
abroad (Algiers, Rio de Janeiro, Quebec, Beijing, Moscow, Istanbul,
San Marino, Novosibirsk, Tashkent, Prague, Santo Domingo, Ekaterin-
burg, Sochi, Sao Paulo). He serves as a member of nine editorial boards