Materials Strategies for Advanced NanoTechnology
Kyung Choi
Nanotechnology, Bell Labs., Lucent Technologies, 600-700 Mountain Ave, Murray Hill,
NJ, 07974
We demonstrate ‘functional microfabrications’ by synthesizing new functional polymers.
Photopatternable silicon elastomers have been designed for high fidelity, functional
microfabrication purposes to integrate dynamic devices. ‘Elastic photopatterns’ generated
by using molecularly modified silicon elastomers have been demonstrated since
functional microfabrications are beneficial to develop elastic devices with high
resolutions for our diverse applications.
Materials scientists and chemists have sought for the development of new materials and
novel microfabrication techniques to fabricate high performance devices.
We explored
novel materials strategies to bring new advances in nanotechnology by developing
functional polymers since nanotechnology is a part of chemical domain. We present
novel chemistry here to modify conventional silicon elastomers thus to extend current
nanotechnology to an advanced level for our diverse needs.
There are many promising technologies in nanotechnology such as soft lithography,
nanofabrications, functional pattern fabrications, and microfluidic technology. However,
commercial materials, which were developed for other purposes, often show limitations
for our specific purposes in nanotechnology. For this reason, we described here novel
chemical approaches to overcome the limitations in conventional materials thus to
achieve new advances in nanotechnology by developing new materials.
Soft lithography has been widely used to transfer small patterns from the masters to
substrates for integrating electronic patterns. Silicon elastomers are used for stamping or
microprinting purposes in pattern transfers. Sylgard 184 commercially produced from
Dow Corning, has been used in current soft lithography. However, those commercial
silicon rubbers often result in mechanical failures such as collapses, mergences, and
disconnections of features; especially, there are a lot of limitations for fabricating patterns
at the nano-scale regimes using Sylgard 184. Since it is beneficial for us to modify
chemical structures of commercial silicon rubbers, we introduced photopatternable
silicon rubbers in this study to satisfy our multiple demands. To overcome the limitations,
we designed and synthesized a new version of stamp materials.
Silicon rubbers are based on poly(dimethyl)siloxane network. Its highly elastic property
has been used for stamping and microfabrications.
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1004 © 2007 Materials Research Society 1004-P06-08