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Huangetal. acta neuropathol commun (2020) 8:219
In hemispheric pHGG, somatic mutations of H3F3A
(GGG to GTG) result in a glycine 34 to arginine (G34R)
or valine (G34V) substitution on the histone H3.3 N-ter
minal tail, while H3F3A mutations in DMG result in
lysine to methionine alterations (K27M or K36M). Sev
eral studies have focused on the effects of these muta-
tions on global methylation, chromatin structure, and
transcription regulation to promote tumorigenesis. For
example, mutant H3.3K27M protein exhibits higher
affinity for EZH2, a H3K27-specific lysine methyltrans
ferase, compared to wildtype H3.3, resulting in EZH2
sequestration and preventing PRC2 from propagating
transcriptionally repressive H3K27 methylation [14].
Mutant H3.3K36M protein inhibits H3K36-specific
lysine methyltransferases, including NSD1, NSD2, and
SETD2, reducing global H3K36 methylation [3, 12, 21].
In contrast, less is known about the epigenetic and tumo
rigenic effects of H3.3G34V/R mutations in pHGG. Sev-
eral studies comparing H3.3G34V mutant and wild type
cell lines suggest distinct epigenetic changes at H3K27
and H3K36 in association with H3.3G34V/R mutation,
as well as alteration to DNA repair pathways leading
to transcriptional upregulation, increased mutational
burden and genomic instability [2, 10, 16]. However, as
these studies did not use isogenic cell lines, the distinct
mechanism by which H3.3G34V/R mutation exerts the
observed changes is not clear. erefore, we set to better
elucidate the direct epigenetic effects of H3.3G34V muta
tion in pediatric glioma invitro using isogenic cell lines.
Here, we demonstrate changes in genomic enrichment of
multiple chromatin marks after DOX-inducible knock
down of H3F3A in an H3.3G34V mutant pediatric glioma
cell line, and H3.3G34V mutation transduction in wild-
type astrocytes, providing insight on epigenetic effects of
this mutation that promote tumorigenesis.
Materials andmethods
Cell lines andculture conditions
Experiments were conducted using an established
H3.3G34V mutant patient-derived pediatric high-grade
glioma cell line (KNS42), and Histone H3.3 wild-type
human astrocytes (NHAs, ScienCell #1800). KNS42 was
obtained from Rintaro Hashizume (Northwestern Uni
versity), it is well characterized as previously described
[6]. KNS42 cells were maintained in EMEM (10009CV,
Corning) with 5% FBS (16000-044, Gibco). NHA cells
were maintained in high glucose DMEM (11995-065,
Gibco) and 10% FBS, according to the cell line provider’s
recommendation. Cells were grown in an incubator with
5% CO
at 37 °C. All experiments were conducted in
accordance to institutional protocols and approvals (NU
IRB# STU00202063).
H3.3G34V mutation induction andknock‑down
Lentiviral delivery of a doxycycline-inducible RNAi
vector targeted against H3F3A was transduced to
KNS42 cells to knock down H3.3G34V protein expres
sion. e vector contains the selectable markers of
puromycin as well as a red fluorescent protein (RFP)
reporter. Lentiviral vector-mediated doxycycline-
inducible cDNA encoding a c.104G > T p.(Gly34Val)
H3F3A mutation was transduced to NHAs in order to
express H3.3G34V mutant protein. is vector, pUC57-
Kan, contained a kanamycin resistant gene. A vector
containing doxycycline-inducible H3F3A for wild-type
H3.3 protein expression was used as negative control.
All vectors were purchased from Genscript. A total of
250,000 cells from each cell line were transduced with
lentivirus for 6h, rinsed in PBS, then cultured in their
respective media as described above. A second round of
lentiviral transduction was performed 24h later. After
an additional 24h, antibiotics were added at 2µg/mL.
Cells were then cultured in their respective media for
three to 5days to achieve desired confluency. For dox
ycycline-induced transduction conditions, doxycycline
was added at 1:5000 every other day for 1week (days
one, three, five, seven), and on day eight cells were col
lected as a pellet for Western Blotting to confirm pro-
tein expressions, or crosslinked with 1% formaldehyde
for ChIP-Seq (see below). Cells without doxycycline
treatments were cultured and collected in parallel. Flu
orescent imaging and flow cytometry were performed
to select for cells with successful protein knockdown or
transduced expression.
Western blotting
Protein was extracted from cells using RIPA buffer
(89900, ermo Fisher Scientific). A total of 60 µg of
protein (from whole cell extract) was separated by elec
trophoresis in a 4–15% precast protein gel (4561086, Bio-
Rad) and transferred to PVDF membranes. Blocking was
subsequently performed with 5% non-fat milk in TBST,
followed by incubation with anti-H3K27Ac antibody at
1:500 dilution (8173S, Cell Signaling Technology) over
night. After 5 washes with TBST, membranes were incu-
bated with HRP-conjugated anti-Rabbit IgG antibody at
1:1000 (7074 Cell Signaling Technology) for 1h. Pierce
ECL Plus (32132, ermo Fisher Scientific) was used to
detect protein bands. Blots were then stripped (46430,
ermo Fisher Scientific) and re-probed with anti-total
H3 primary antibody at 1:1000 dilution (14269S, Cell
Signaling Technology) as a loading control. HRP-con
jugated anti-Mouse IgG antibody (7076, Cell Signaling
Technology) was used to detect total H3 signal. Densi
tometry analysis was performed with image J.