Wireless Networks
Detection ofFalse
Data Injection
Attacks in Smart
Grid Cyber-Physical
Wireless Networks
Series editor
Xuemin Sherman Shen
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada
The purpose of Springer’s Wireless Networks book series is to establish the state
of the art and set the course for future research and development in wireless
communication networks. The scope of this series includes not only all aspects
of wireless networks (including cellular networks, WiFi, sensor networks, and
vehicular networks), but related areas such as cloud computing and big data. The
series serves as a central source of references for wireless networks research and
development. It aims to publish thorough and cohesive overviews on specific
topics in wireless networks, as well as works that are larger in scope than survey
articles and that contain more detailed background information. The series also
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volumes, textbooks and handbooks.
** Indexing: Wireless Networks is indexed in EBSCO databases and DPLB **
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/14180
Beibei Li • Rongxing Lu • Gaoxi Xiao
Detection of False Data
Injection Attacks in Smart
Grid Cyber-Physical Systems
Beibei Li
College of Cybersecurity
Sichuan University
Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Rongxing Lu
Faculty of Computer Science
University of New Brunswick
Fredericton, NB, Canada
Gaoxi Xiao
School of Electrical and Electronic
Nanyang Technological University
Singapore, Singapore
ISSN 2366-1186 ISSN 2366-1445 (electronic)
Wireless Networks
ISBN 978-3-030-58671-3 ISBN 978-3-030-58672-0 (eBook)
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
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This book is wholeheartedly dedicated to my
respectable supervisors, as well as our group
members, with whom we have worked over
the years and have made it possible to reach
this moment.
To my beloved families.
Building an automated, green, and efficient smart grid cyber-physical system (CPS)
while ensuring high reliability and security is an extraordinarily challenging task,
particularly in the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. This challenge is also
compounded by the increasing pervasiveness of information and communications
technologies across the power infrastructure, as well as the growing availability
of advanced hacking tools in the hacker community. One of the most critical
security threats in smart grid CPSs lies in the high-profile false data injection (FDI)
attacks, where attackers attempt to inject either fabricated measurement data to
mislead power grid state estimation and bad data detection or tampered command
data to misguide power management and control. Accordingly, FDI attacks can
be subdivided into false measurement data injection (FmDI) attacks and false
command data injection (FcDI) attacks.
Detection techniques for FDI attacks have been a significant research focus for
smart grid CPSs to withstand these security threats and further protect the power
infrastructure. However, conventional state estimation based bad data detection
approaches have been proved vulnerable to the evolving FDI attacks. To meet this
gap, this monograph introduces four creative research works to analyze and detect
FDI attacks in smart grid CPSs.
First, a stochastic Petri net based analytical model is developed to evaluate and
analyze the system reliability of smart grid CPSs, particularly against topology
attacks under system countermeasures (such as intrusion detection systems and
malfunction recovery techniques) in place. Evolved from FmDI attacks, topology
attacks inject false data by tempering with both measurement data and grid topology
information. This analytical model is featured by bolstering both transient and
steady-state analysis of system reliability.
Second, a distributed host-based collaborative detection scheme is proposed to
detect FmDI attacks in smart grid CPSs. It is considered in this chapter that phasor
measurement units (PMUs), deployed to measure the operating status of power
grids, can be compromised by FmDI attackers. Trusted host monitors (HMs) are
assigned to each PMU to monitor and assess PMUs’ behaviors. Neighboring HMs
make use of the majority voting algorithm based on a set of predefined normal
viii Preface
behavior rules to identify the existence of abnormal measurement data collected
by PMUs. In addition, an innovative reputation system with an adaptive reputation
updating algorithm is designed to evaluate the overall operating status of PMUs, by
which FmDI attacks, as well as the attackers, can be distinctly observed.
Third, a Dirichlet-based detection scheme for FcDI attacks in hierarchical smart
grid CPSs is proposed. In the future hierarchical paradigm of a smart grid CPS, it is
considered that the decentralized LAs responsible for local management and control
can be compromised by FcDI attackers. By issuing fake or biased commands, the
attackers anticipate manipulating the regional electricity prices with the purpose of
illicit financial gains. The proposed scheme builds a Dirichlet-based probabilistic
model to assess the reputation levels of LAs. This probabilistic model, used in
conjunction with a designed adaptive reputation incentive mechanism, enables quick
and efficient detection of FcDI attacks as well as the attackers.
Lastly, we systematically explore the feasibility and limitations of detecting
FmDI attacks in smart grid CPSs using distributed flexible AC transmission system
(D-FACTS) devices. Recent studies have investigated the possibilities of proactively
detecting FmDI attacks on smart grid CPSs by using D-FACTS devices. We term
this approach as proactive false data detection (PFDD). In this chapter, the feasibility
of employing PFDD approach to detect FmDI attacks is investigated under single-
bus, uncoordinated multiple-bus, and coordinated multiple-bus FmDI attacks. It is
proved that the PFDD approach is capable of detecting all these three types of FmDI
attacks targeted on buses or super-buses with degrees larger than 1, as long as the
deployment of D-FACTS devices covers branches forming at least a spanning tree
of the power grid graph. Then, the minimum efforts demanded for activating D-
FACTS devices to detect the considered three types of FmDI attacks are evaluated.
In addition, the limitations of PFDD are also discussed, and it is strictly proven
that this approach is not able to identify FmDI attacks on smart grid CPSs that are
targeted on buses or super-buses with degrees equaling 1.
Chengdu, Sichuan, China Beibei Li
Fredericton, NB, Canada Rongxing Lu
Singapore, Singapore Gaoxi Xiao
June 2020
There have been many people who have walked alongside me during my Ph.D.
journey. They have guided, supported, and accompanied me. I would like to, hereby,
thank each and every one of them sincerely.
First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my respectable
supervisors—Dr. Xiao Gaoxi at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singa-
pore, and Dr. Lu Rongxing at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), Canada—
for their unwavering support and constructive guidance throughout this thesis. They,
upon whose shoulders I stand, explored and paved the path before me. Without
them, this thesis would simply not have been possible. Such academic rigor as may
be found in this thesis is largely due to Dr. Xiao’s refusal to let me get away with
things, while his unerring sense of when and how to intervene has taught me not
only as a good researcher but also a potential good tutor. He is always willing
to take time to listen and usually provide insightful questions and comments, as
well as clear instructions as feedback. Dr. Lu is a renowned expert in cybersecurity
domain, whose passion for doing research and teaching has set a new standard for
everyone involved. His unstinting support and encouragement have driven me to
strive for excellence. Having also a friend figure, Dr. Lu is really a nice guy who
cares about his students not only on their research career but also on daily lives.
Many thanks are also due to Dr. Wang Licheng at Beijing University of Posts and
Telecommunications (BUPT), China, who started me down this road with selfless
support, encouragement, and guidance.
I would especially acknowledge my Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC)
members—Dr. Zhang Jie and Dr. Ma Maode at NTU. Thanks for their faith in
my ability and continuous support ever since I joined NTU. I hope this research
opens up opportunities for us to do research together in the future.
I would extend my heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Ali A. Ghorbani, Dr. Kim-Kwang
Raymond Choo, Dr. Bao Haiyong, Dr. Deng Ruilong, Dr. Wang Wei, and Dr.
Luo Sheng, who contributed to the making of this monograph. Thanks for their
constructive criticism, which enabled me to improve my research and writing skills.
Particular thanks must also be recorded to Dr. Xu Chang, Dr. Liu Yali, Dr. Kong
Qinglei, Dr. Zhao Ming, Dr. Meng Min, Dr. Lin Changlu, Dr. Liu Ximeng, Dr. Li
x Acknowledgements
Chen, Dr. Li Lichun, Dr. Hu Hao, Dr. Zhai Chao, Mr. Huang Cheng, Mr. Wang
Guoming, Mr. Katuwal Rakesh, Mr. Cheng Shuo, Mr. Hao Changyu, Mr. Zhang
Hehong, and Mr. Li Xiang who offered collegial guidance and support over the
There are many of my friends to name individually; however, special thanks are
given to Dr. Yang Rong, Dr. Li Dan, Dr. Yang Ming, Dr. Bi Hui, Dr. Ma Lijia,
Dr. Zhang Heng, Dr. Wang Zeng, Dr. Chen Chunyang, Ms. Sun Meng, Ms. Gao
Yumeng, Ms. Gong Bo, Ms. Huang Yi, Ms. Wang Zhenzhen, Ms. Huang Rui, Ms.
Xin Jian, Ms. Chen Qian, Ms. Wang Yongheng, Ms. Li Yanan, Ms. Chen Shi, Ms.
Chen Qiyin, Ms. Zhang Lili, Ms. Ouyang Qingling, Ms. Zhang Ran, Mr. Cheng
Yanyu, Mr. Liu Yunxiang, Mr. Pan Zihan, Mr. Wang Yang, Mr. Shao Hongxin, Mr.
Li Xiaochen, Mr. Zhang Yunlong, Mr. Guo Zhihong, Mr. Zhang Songze, and Mr.
Gao Li at NTU and Dr. Yang Haomiao, Dr. Huang Junlin, Ms. Yang Xue, Ms.
Zheng Yandong, Ms. Li Huixia, Ms. Deepigha S. V. Babu, Mr. Guo Wei, Mr. Xu
Chenghao, Mr. Hassan Mahdikhani, Mr. Saeed Shafeiee Hasanabadi, Mr. Tao Xi,
Mr. Zhang Xichen, Mr. Xiao Hongtao, and Mr. Zhang Yongcan at UNB. Thanks
for giving me a wonderful and memorable life at both NTU and UNB. In addition,
my wholehearted thanks are given to Mrs. Han Yuhong, Ms. Xie Wanlun, Ms. Yu
Pan, Mr. Du Wuhang, and Mr. Chen Dawen at BUPT for their generous support,
understanding, and encouragement given in many moments of crisis over the years.
I cannot list all the names here, but you guys hold a special place in my heart.
Finally, and most importantly, my most heartfelt and forever gratitude goes to
my family and girlfriend, who have always been a constant source of support and
encouragement. Thanks to my parents and elder sister for putting me through the
best education possible and giving me the strength to reach for the stars and chase
my dreams. I appreciate their sacrifices and unending support, and I would not have
been able to get to this stage without them.