from Portugal by Menezes (1984)shouldbeM. episquamalis,
since this species is morphologically identical and has been
found on the scales of the mullet.
DNA amplification of the SSU rDNA of the samples of
M. episquamalis from M. liza produced DNA fragments of
1000 bp length. The seque nces of the two samples were 100%
identical to each other and to M. episquamalis (JF810537;
MK012069), reported from gray mullet M. cephalus in Asia
(Kim et al. 2013;Simsek2019), and 99.7% similar to the first
sequence of M. episquamalis (AY129312) deposited in
GenBank, obtained from M. cephalus from Tunisia, northern
Africa (Bahri et al. 2003). A representative sequence of the cur-
rent work was deposited in GenBank under the accession num-
ber MN822014. The high levels of genetic similarity between
our sequence and the sequences of M. episquamalis from North
Africa and Asia confirmed the identification of M. episquamalis
from the Lebranche mullet in southeastern Brazil.
Acknowledgments We thank the fisherman Mr. Lu cielio de Moura
Costa, in the municipality of Maricá, State of Rio de Janeiro, for giving
us the fish that were analyzed in the current study. We are also grateful to
the Laboratório de Histologia e Embriologia of the Departamento de
Biologia Animal of the UFRRJ for the preparation of histological slides.
Funding information This study was supported by a compensatory mea-
sure established by the Chevron Responsibility Adjustment Term, con-
ducted by the Federal Public Ministry, with the implementation of the
Fundo Brasileiro para a Biodiversidade (FUNBIO), in addition to the
support of the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível
Superior (CAPES), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico
e Tecnológico (CNPq), and Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo à
Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ). RD and JLG-O have a
scholarship from CAPES (Grant/Award Number: 001). BRM had a
scholarship from CNPq (Grant/Award Number: PIB179/2018). BPB
has a fellowship from CNPq (Grant/Award Number: 302437/2016-9
and 303899/2019-0) and from FAPERJ (Grant/Award Number: E-26/
203.200/2016 and E-26/202.797/2019).
Compliance with ethical standards
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Ethical approval Animal collection complied with the guidelines of the
Conselho Nacional de Controle de Experimentação Animal and were
approved by the Comissão de Ética no uso de Animais (CEUA/ICBS)
of the UFRRJ under protocol no. 005/2019.
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