Understanding Cultural Taste
Sensation, Skill and Sensibility
David Wright
ISBN: 9781137447074
DOI: 10.1057/9781137447074
Palgrave Macmillan
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Understanding Cultural
Sensation, Skill and Sensibility
David Wright
10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
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Understanding Cultural Taste
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10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
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Understanding Cultural
Sensation, Skill and Sensibility
David Wright
University of Warwick, UK
10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
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© David Wright 2015
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10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
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List of Figures vi
Acknowledgements vii
Introducing Taste 1
1 Theorizing Taste 9
2 Measuring Taste 42
3 Governing Tastes 72
4 Globalizing Tastes 96
5 Producing Tastes 118
6 Digitalizing Tastes 144
Conclusion: Dimensions of Taste 165
Notes 172
Bibliography 173
Index 184
10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Exeter - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-20
2.1 Variants of the dominant taste 50
2.2 From ‘Media Tarts’, The Guardian, November 2006 64
5.1 The Lovely Consensus by Grayson Perry, 2003, glazed
ceramic, 60 × 41 cm, 23
× 16
inches 122
10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Exeter - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-20
The first part of this book was written during a term of study leave from
the Centre for Cultural Policy Studies at the University of War wick, UK,
in the spring of 2014. I’m grateful to colleagues there for supporting this,
and especially to Clive Gray and Jerry Ahearne who both offered helpful
comments and advice on the book proposal. Some chapters have been
aired in seminars at the centre, and I extend my thanks to students on
the Global Audience and Research Methods in the Cultural Sector mod-
ules over the last few years for indulging this, even if it was marginal to
their interests. ‘Producing Tastes’ (Chapter 5) was aired both in a brown-
bag research seminar at the centre and in a seminar at a meeting of the
Cultural Distinctions Generation and Change research team in Madrid
in November 2013. I’m grateful to Semi Purhonen of the University of
Tampere, Finland, and the rest of that team for the invitation and their
hospitality. ‘Globalizing Tastes’ (Chapter 4) was also informed by work
with Semi Purhonen and Riie Heikkilä of the University of Helsinki,
Finland, on a British Academy project entitled ‘Comparing Cultural
Capital in the UK and Finland’. ‘Digitalizing Tastes’ (Chapter 6) was pre-
sented at the event Cultural Participation in the Twenty-First Century
in January 2015, which was organized by Simone Varriale and the Insti-
tute for Advance Study at the University of Warwick. My thanks go to
all of the participants of these events for their comments, suggestions
and questions.
A significant intellectual impetus for this work was my experience as a
research fellow based at the Open University in Milton Keynes, UK, and
in collaboration with colleagues from Manchester University, UK, while
working on an empirical study of British tastes, which was published as
Culture Class Distinction (Bennett et al., 2009). I’m grateful to the mem-
bers of that team Tony Bennett, Modesto Gayo, Mike Savage, Elizabeth
Silva and Alan Warde and the associated fellow travellers with whom
the work brought me into contact, for their continuing companionship
and inspiration.
I was especially pleased to receive permissions f rom Andrew Birch to
reproduce the cartoon in ‘Measuring Taste’ (Chapter 2), from Taylor and
Francis and Harvard University Press to reprint the image from Distinc-
tion in the same chapter, and from Grayson Perry, the Victoria Miro
Gallery, London, and the Dakis Joannou Collection, Athens, Greece,
10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Exeter - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-20
viii Acknowledgements
to reproduce the image of The Lovely Consensus in ‘Producing Tastes’
(Chapter 5).
Chapter 5 will outline my belief in the significance of various support
workers to cultural work. This is doubly the case for academic work, so
my thanks go to Felicity Plester for taking the time for an initial conver-
sation, and to the editorial and copy-editing team at Palgrave for their
assistance en route. A close reading of that chapter might also suggest
some insincerity in my expression of the traditional authorial disclaimer
about mistakes, but they are certainly all my own.
Finally, thanks to my partner in life, and companion in tasting,
Alison. This book is for her most of all.
10.1057/9781137447074 - Understanding Cultural Taste, David Wright
Copyright material from www.palgraveconnect.com - licensed to University of Exeter - PalgraveConnect - 2015-10-20