side of ;80 nm and width of ;30 nm, and its average thickness
was confir med to be 30 6 2 lm. Additionally, the electrolyte
amount was strictly controlled by a pipettor (MicroPette, 100–500
lL, Dragon Laboratory InstrumentsLtd.,Beijing,China),and
a total of 200 lL electrolyte were controlled for each half-cell. The
charge/discharge test was preceded on a LAND machine
(CT2001A, Wuhan LANDHE Electronic Co., Ltd., Wuhan, China)
using a constant current density of 16 lA/cm
between 3.0 and
4.2 V in a glove box. Especially, the initial discharge capacity and
the capacity retention rate at the 50th cycle were chosen as
selection standards for the charge/discharge performance.
Film characterization
Film crystal structure was investigated using a grazing incidence
X-ray mode diffractometer (XRD-SmartLab, Rigaku Co., Tokyo,
Japan; Cu K
radiation, k 5 0.15405 nm, an X-ray tube voltage
of 40 kV, a tube current of 15 mA) in order to minimize
interference from substrates. The measurement procedure fixed
the incident angle at 5° with respect to substrate surface and
restricted scanning interval of 10° # 2h # 80°. And then, the
original XRD data were made by background correction and K
stripping. The surface morphology of each annealed LiCoO
was probed by using a field emission scanning electron micro-
scope (FESEM; SU 8010, Hitachi, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan), and the
surface roughness was detected by using an atomic force
microscope (AFM-Dimension Edge, Bruker Co., Karlsruhe,
Germany); a tapping mode and five measurement positions were
selected to calculate average roughnessanditsstandarddeviation.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS; SXM PHI Quantera SXM,
ULVAC PHI, Inc., Kanagawa, Japan) was adopted to analyze
surface element types and valence states. Testing conditions were
as follows: a hemispherical energy analyzer and monochromatic
Al target were chosen to detect C, Li, Co, O element signals; the
X-ray beam had a spot size of 200 lmandwasfixed with an
incident angle of 45°. The binding energy positions of different
elements were calibrated by the contaminated carbon position
(C 1s,284.8eV),andthepeakfitting procedure was performed
by a nonlinear fitting method. At the same time, the AES
measurements were performed on the annealed LiCoO
films by
using the scanning auger microscope (Phi-700, ULVAC-PHI, Inc.,
Kanagawa, Japan). The electron gun sets a high voltage of 5 kV
and an incident angle of 30°. The analytical chamber vacuum is
lowerthan5.2 10
Pa, the sputtering gun uses Ar
sputtering rate is 14 nm/min for SiO
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of
the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos.
21603204 and 51702305).
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