About the Series
Just the first one and one-half decades of this new century have witnessed a series
of large-scale, unprecedented disasters in different regions of the globe, both natural
and human-triggered, some conventional and others quite new. Unfortunately, this
adds to the evidence of the urgent need to address such crises as time passes. It is
now commonly accepted that disaster risk reduction (DRR) requires tackling the
various factors that influence a society’s vulnerability to disasters in an integrated
and comprehensive way, and with due attention to the limited resources at our
disposal. Thus, integrated disaster risk management (IDRiM) is essential. Success
will require integration of disciplines, stakeholders, different levels of government,
and of global, regional, national, local, and individual efforts. In any particular
disaster-prone area, integration is also crucial in the long-enduring processes of
managing risks and critical events before, during, and after disasters.
Although the need for integrated disaster risk management is widely recognized,
there are still considerable gaps between theory and practice. Civil protection
authorities; government agencies in charge of delineating economic, social, urban,
or environmental policies; city planning, water and waste-disposal departments;
health departments, and others often work independently and without consideration
of the hazards in their own and adjacent territories or the risk to which they may be
unintentionally subjecting their citizens. Typically, disaster and development tend to
be in mutual conflict but should, and could, be creatively governed to harmonize
both, thanks to technological innovation as well as the design of new institutions.
Thus, many questions on how to implement integrated disaster risk management
in different contexts, across different hazards, and interrelated issues remain.
Furthermore, the need to document and learn from successfully applied risk reduc-
tion initiatives, including the methodologies or processes used, the resources, the
context, and other aspects are imperative to avoid duplication and the repetition of
With a view to addressing the above concerns and issues, the International
Society of Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRiM) was established in
October 2009.
The main aim of the IDRiM Book Series is to promote knowledge transfer and
dissemination of information on all aspects of IDRiM. This series will provide com-
prehensive coverage of topics and themes including dissemination of successful
models for implementation of IDRiM and comparative case studies, innovative
countermeasures for disaster risk reduction, and interdisciplinary research and edu-
cation in real-world contexts in various geographic, climatic, political, cultural, and
social systems.
More information about this series at http://www.springer.com/series/13465