AND Urinary AND Incontinence AND ‘Women’SHealth’;
Telerehabilitation AND Tele AND ‘Urine Incontinence’
AND ‘Women’S Health’; Telerehabilitation AND Tele
AND ‘ Pelvic Floor’ AND ‘ Women’ SHealth’ ;
Telerehabilitation AND Tele AND Pelvic AND Organ AND
Prolapse AND ‘Women’S Health’; Telerehabilitation AND
Tele AND Incontinence AND Urinary; (‘Telerehabilitation’/
Exp OR Telerehabilitation) AND Tele AND Continence;
(‘Videoconferencing’/Exp OR Videoconferencing) AND
Tele AND Pelvic AND Floor; Tele AND Sexual AND
Dysfunction AND Videoconferencing; (‘Telerehabilitation’/
Exp OR Telerehabilitation) AND Sexual AND Dysfunction
AND Videoconferencing; (‘Telehealth’/Exp OR Telehealth
OR Telerehabilitation:Ti) AND ‘Womens Health’ AND
‘ Pelvic Floor’ ;(‘ Videoconferencing’ /Exp OR
Videoconferencing) AND ‘Womens Health’ AND ‘Pelvic
Floor’;(‘Videoconferencing’/Exp OR Videoconferencing)
AND ‘ Womens Health’ AND ‘ Pelvic Floor’ ;
Telere habilitation AND ‘Muscle Dysfunction’ AND Tele;
Telerehabilitation AND Fecal AND Incontinence AND Tele
AND ‘Women’SHealth’; Telerehabilitation AND Tele AND
‘Women’SHealth’ AND Pelvic AND Pain; Telerehabilitation
AND Telehealth AND ‘Women’S Health’ AND Pelvic AND
Pain; (‘Vide oconferencing’/Exp OR Videoconferencing)
AND Telerehabilitation AND ‘Womens Health’ AND
‘Pelvic Floor’ ;(‘Internet’ /Exp OR Internet) AND
Telerehabilitation AND ‘Womens Health’ AND ‘Pelvic
Floor’;(‘Telerehabilitation’/Exp OR Telerehabilitation)
AND Telerehabilitation AND ‘Womens Health’ AND
‘ Pelvic Floor’ ;(‘ Telerehabilitation’ /Exp OR
Telerehabilitation) AND Telerehabilitation AND ‘Womens
Health’ AND ‘Pelvic Floor’;(‘Telerehabilitation’/Exp OR
Telerehabilitation) AND ‘ Womens Health’ ;
(‘Telerehabilitation’/E xp OR Telerehabi litation) AND
‘Pelvic Floor’;(‘Pelv ic Floo r’/Exp OR ‘Pelvic Floor’ OR
((‘ Pelvic’ /Exp OR Pelvic) AND Floor)) AND
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