REVI E W Open Access
Navigating choice in multiple sclerosis
Ralf A. Linker
and Andrew Chan
Background: With the advent of modern immunotherapies for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and
the increasing amount of treatment options on the market, MS has evolved as a treatable disease. Yet, at the same
time, new challenges for the treating neurologists arise.
Main body: This review article covers some of these challenges, including when and how to start treatment,
treatment monitoring, and finally considerations on what the increasing choice in treatment options brings to
disease management and longer-term planning. Among others, these important issues comprise pregnancy,
treatment sequencing, switching or even stopping treatment.
Conclusion: The ultimate goal for navigating choices in RRMS management is to choose the right drug for the
right patient at the right time Throughout the article, there is a strong focus on practical aspects and individual
decision making in MS to meet the concept of personalized medicine.
Keywords: MS therapy, Immunomodulation, Personalized medicine, Treatment monitoring, Disease management
In the past 5 years, more than five new treatment options
entered the stage for immunotherapy of relapsing-remitting
multiple sclerosis (RRMS), expanding the treatment arma-
mentarium to more than a dozen substances in total [9].
Some of these compounds represent reformulations of
already existing treatment options while others make use
of bona fide new treatment concepts [11, 33]. While there
is still no cure for MS yet and many unmet needs like op-
timal treatment of chronic progressive disease stages
abound, RRMS has evolved as a treatable condition. In
fact, considerable evidence points at long-term effects of
modern immunotherapies on disability and also quality of
life in cohorts of mostly younger RRMS patients (e.g. for
beta interferons, [22]).
Yet, with the advent of modern RRMS immunotherapy,
new challenges for the treating neurologists arise. In this
review, we will cover some of these new aspects including
when and how to start treatment, treatment monitoring,
and finally considerations on what the increasing choice
in treatment options brings to disease management and
longer-term planning including important issues like preg-
nancy, treatment sequencing, switching or even stopping
treatment. Throughout the article, there will be a strong
focus on practical aspects and individual decision making
to meet the concept of personalized medicine [19].
How to deal with increasing numbers of dise ase
modifying therapies?
When thinking about treatment choices for RRMS, it is
appropriate to discuss if the ever-expanding range of
new disease modifying therapies (DMT) is really useful
or if it is just making treatment regimen too complex
while bringing only marginal benefits to patients. In fact,
accommodating the range of new treatments may be
challenging to the general neurologist managing MS
patients, and in many instances a few substances may
suffice to cover uncomplicated MS phenotypes. To date,
MS is still a chronic disease with a significant risk of
permanent disability impacting on the social roles in
everyday life for the mostly young patients [46]. In
addition, there is considerable heterogeneity regarding
disease mechanisms as well as regarding individual
patient profiles and needs [34]. Thus, at first glance,
an appropriate range of treatment choices seems
clearly beneficial.
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Department of Neurology, Un iversity of Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 84,
93053 Regensburg, Germany
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
Neurological Researc
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Linker and Chan Neurological Research and Practice (2019) 1:5
Yet, it may be worthwhile to take a look at the evolu-
tion of immunomodulatory MS therapy over the past 20
years. With only interferon beta preparations and later
also glatiramer acetate as injectable immunomodulators
on the one hand and some limited data for
time-honoured immunosuppressant s like azathioprine,
cyclophosphamide or mitoxantrone on the other, treat-
ment choices were limited, but also easier to choose
from. With more options at hand over the last years,
there certainly is greater complexity and responsibility
for patients as well as treating physicians alike, especially
with respect to treatment adherence and monitoring.
Since the advent of natalizumab as the first monoclo-
nal antibody for MS treatment in 2007, there is an on-
going process of learning about the benefits and risk s of
more than a dozen therapies. In particular, important
points are what to screen for at baseline and what to tell
patients before starting them on a new therapy. Different
monitoring protocols have been instituted to manage
the distinct risk profiles of single compounds with the
rare but imminent risk for progressive multifocal en-
cephalopathy (PML) on treatment with natalizumab as a
very prominent example [17].
However, there has been much inspiration and hope
that the newer compounds may harbour the potential to
yield a higher efficacy for the individual MS patient. The
pivotal AFFIRM trial on natalizumab started enrolling
patients more than 15 years ago thus marking the start
of an era of new therapeutic options [41]. In this trial,
natalizumab reduced the rate of clinical relapse at 1 year
by 68%, the risk of sustained progression of disa bility
over 2 years by 42%, and led to an 83% reduction in the
accumulation of new or enlarging hyperintense T2 le-
sions, as detected by cranial magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI). These results paved the way for the concept of
freedom of disease activity [15] and later no evidence of
disease activity (NEDA, [2]) as new compound trial
read-out which may also impact on our treatment goals
in everyday practice [13]. Over the last 10 years, we now
additionally gained clinical experience with the newer
DMTs and new concepts arose, like selective or pulsed
immune reconstitution therapy (PIRT) with alemtuzu-
mab [60 ] and cladribine [59] as new players in the arma-
mentarium of immunotherapy and bone marrow
transplantation as an ultimate therapy concept. PIRT
may offer lasting effects without continuous treatment
for a significant proportion of patients. However, at this
time point, it is not entirely clear if the proposed im-
mune reconstitution is an immunologically valid scaffold
for the observed sustained clinical effects.
Furthermore, data from the phase II and III random-
ized clinical trials were increasingly supplemented by
data from extension studies and real-world evidence
from registries which are of help to obtain some view on
comparative efficacy of compounds as well as on more
rare side effects [57]. A good example is the MS Base
registry with large patient numbers allowing for propen-
sity matched scoring analyses. In a recently published
study on RR-MS patients from this registry, Kalincik and
co-workers compa red 189 patients given alemtuzumab,
2155 patients given interferon beta, 828 patients given
fingolimod, and 1160 patients given natalizumab [20].
They found similar effects of alemtuzumab and natalizu-
mab on annualized relapse rates. While alem tuzumab
seemed superior to fingolimod and interferon beta in
mitigating relapse activity, natalizumab seemed superior
to alemtuzumab in enabling recovery from disability.
While such studies may be helpful in informing on some
efficacy measures between distinct compounds , treat-
ment decisions between e.g. alemtuzumab and natalizu-
mab may be primarily governed by further factors like
treatment concept (see above) or side effects profile.
Despite all positive data with new compounds, there is
still an ongoing debate on the magnitude of effect s
which can be achieved with our treatment armamentar-
ium. Here, data from a large Italian MS cohort may be
of interest, in which approximately 70% of patients have
been on treatment since 1995 [5]. For the first three
epochs of diagnosis, 19801990, 19911995 and 1996
2000, there was a similar rate of patients reaching a
milestone EDSS of 6.0 (i.e. walking with a cane). For pa-
tients diagnosed during the epoch from 2001 to 2005,
this rate was reduced by 37%, and for those diagnosed in
20062010, this rate was reduced by 46%. While it may
be too early to draw conclusions for the cohort diag-
nosed since 2011, these data suggest that the course of
MS is significantly influenced by the epoch of diagnosis
with new treatment options probably being an important
variable. Thus, new treatment options may bring signifi-
cant value to the clinical outcomes for patients, and
therefore their quality of life.
Yet, with a large array of options, the responsibility to
make the right choice for the individual patient is also in-
creasing. At this point, it may be worthwhile to turn to
guidelines and how they can inform about decision making.
A good example may be the German guidelines for immuno-
therapy of RRMS (
which evolved from the escalation concept of the German
MS Consensus Group [38]. In this guideline, treatments
are grouped, or rather lumped together, for treatment of
mild and moderate versus active and highly active disease
courses. In some cases, the position of a single compound
is rather based on perceived risk profiles and recommen-
dations of the summary of product characteristics than
pure efficacy. Furthermore, it is important to note that this
guideline deliberately did not specify concrete criteria to
define active or highly active and only sets a scope to
leave room for individual treatment decisions. Finally, the
Linker and Chan Neurological Research and Practice (2019) 1:5 Page 2 of 8
guideline dates from 2014. An update is currently under
revision and European guidelines with even more general
recommendations were recently published [36, 37]. The
limitation of such guidelines can also be witnessed in the
case of the recent newcomer daclizumab, which has been
available in Germany since 2016 and has not been men-
tioned in the guidelines. While the initial European label
allowed its use in all relapsing MS patients, fatal cases of
liver failure first led to restrictions in its use. After fatal
cases of drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic
symptoms and severe inflammatory brain disorders, e.g.
anti-NMDA-encephalitis and anti-GFAP-IgG associated
encephalitis, daclizumab was finally withdrawn from the
market [8, 32, 43, 47].
Thus, guidelines may only set a fram ework but are of
limited help to inform individual decision making for
single patients.
In a practical approach, three main domains for guid-
ing treatment decisions may be considered: disease ac-
tivity and prognosis, potential drug issu es and the
individual patient profile. Regarding disease activity and
prognosis, the distinction between active and inactive
disease is worthwhile to consider as put forward in the
Lublin classification of the clinical course of MS in 2013
[31]. In addition, patients with rapidly evolving, highly
active disease may be viewed separately. While there is
no consensus on a definition of this group, the EMA re-
cently propose d two relapses in the last year regardless
of therapy or one relapse under therapy with MRI
evidence of active disease (contrast enhancement and
at least 9 T2 lesions) as criteria relevant for the label
of cladribine (
004230/WC500234561.pdf). Regarding drug related is-
sues, one may consider tolerability, the individual safety
profile, monitoring frequency, and drug effects. Tolerability
issues may classically comprise flu-like symptoms or also
gastrointestinal side-effects. When discussing drug safety,
autoimmunity, risks for neoplasms and the risk for infec-
tions, particularly opportunistic infections (e.g. PML), are
of paramount interest. Individual pharmacodynamics and
pharmacokinetic properties of single compounds play an
important role for drug-drug interactions, carry-over infec-
tions, rebound effects and sequencing of drugs. Regarding
patient profiles, there is an important role of adherence,
co-morbidities (skin, heart, liver, renal function, other auto-
immune diseases, hematopoietic abnormalities, [26]) and,
finally, personal factors. These factors are nowadays of
particular importance and comprise personal views on
pregnancy and family planning, work, travel, spare-time
activities, daily structure and others, which in turn may
influence quality of life and treatment choices [30].
In summary, it is important to be aware of all available
treatment options for MS. With the unique characteristics
of every patient and the increasing number of individual
factors on disease activity, drug properties and patient
profiles to be considered, a great range of therapeutic op-
tions is highly welcome [19]. Hypothetically, heterogeneity
of pathomechanisms can be met by different modes of ac-
tion of the broad range of immunotherapies like recently
proposed for plasma exchange which may be more effect-
ive in histopathological patterns I and II [54].
Monitoring MS disease activity
Disease monitoring under immunotherapy is in the
focus of an at times controversial debate within the MS
community. Prevailing questions are: What should we
measure? How should we measure? Is there a threshold
of acceptable disease activity, or should we be switching
therapy at the first sign of any uncontrolled activity? To
further set the scene for this discussion, it may be
worthwhile to take a look at disease monitoring in the
setting of phase III clinical MS trials, and then compare
it to the approach in clinical practice. In a clinical phase
III trial, patients are routinely seen every 4 weeks to 3
months. Typical outcomes include assessment of relapse
rates , disability as measured by multiple sclerosis func-
tional composite and EDSS every 3 months by a certified
rater, and additionally cranial MRI, as evidenced in the
NEDA concept (see above). Yet, in the future, patients
reported outcomes (PRO, e.g. MSIS-29), brain atrophy,
or cognitive measures like the symbol digit modalities
test (SDMT) every 6 months may add to this concept
[12]. Alon g this line, visua l quality of life is a potentially
under-recognized parameter, which can be quantified
using the NEI-VFQ 25 [16 ]. In addition, efficacy moni-
toring in clinical trials is more frequent than expected in
clinical practice, and nowadays engages a range of tech-
niques aiming at ma ximising objectivity (e.g. low con-
trast visual acuity charts, optical coherence tomography;
OCT etc.). For OCT, feasibility of automatic segmenta-
tion with man ual correction in specific macular areas
was shown even in a multi-center setting [39]. In
real-life outpatient practice, there is considerably less
time (sometimes only a few minutes), and far fewer re-
sources to assess the patient for ongoing disease activity.
While access to MRI may be good in many health care
settings nowadays, the quality of the radiologist and the
report may vary. In addition, clinical studies require a
quantitative MRI report. Yet, real world MRI reports are
often very descriptive without stating clear quantitative
results relative to the previous scan.
When discussing what to measure, it is impo rtant to
understand current concepts of MS disease evolution.
MS is often des cribed by the iceberg analogy with the
clinical manifestations above the water representing a
small fraction of the full disease pathology [14 ]. In fact,
MS is a microscopic disease and clinical endpoints only
Linker and Chan Neurological Research and Practice (2019) 1:5 Page 3 of 8
represent the literal tip of this iceberg. In accordance,
focal MRI only represents the tip of sub-clinical disease
processes which include grey matter or changes of the
normal appearing white matter (NAWM). It has been
well described that MRI may pick up damage before
clinically relevant changes are observed. There is very
convincing data that new T2-lesions detected by MRI
are a good predictor of later relapses. A range of brain
volumetric changes may very well indicate the level of
end organ (CNS) damage and predict later disability.
However, lack of standardization, among others owing
to high technical variability, may complicate implemen-
tation in clinical routine [3]. Beyo nd MRI techniques,
modern concepts are trying to validate more sensitive,
simpler measures of CNS damage and focus on cogni-
tion (see below), optical coherence tomography [40]or
also serum levels of the neurofilament light chain with
the very sensitive single molecule array (SIMOA) tech-
nique [23, 28].
Yet, nowadays, cranial MRI is most widely employed to
sensitively assess adequate disease control under immuno-
therapy. In addition to many scoring systems for disease
activity, the Rio Score and the modified Rio Score repre-
sent two widely discussed approaches that may define ad-
equate versus inadequate disease control under beta
interferon therapy. While the classical Rio Score com-
bines MRI measures, relapses and EDSS [44], the modified
Rio score removes the requirement to measure the EDSS
objectively at every visit [49]. Sormani and co-workers ap-
plied the modified Rio score to phase 3 study data with
interferon beta 1a three times weekly. They further refined
its use by adding a 6-month follow up MRI for those pa-
tients with a score of 1 at year one [50].
Thus, they were able to classify patients as either
interferon responders or non-responders with the
non-responder group being just as likely to progress as
an untreated group. In addition, the modified Rio score
may also identify responders to oral therapies like fingo-
limod or teriflunomide [52] pointing at a general and
not an interferon beta therapy specific principle. While
it is not entirely clear if the same criteria could be used
to stratify responders and non-responders to any other
treatment, such scoring systems provide some guidance
what thresholds of MRI activity may not be tolerated if
the EDSS is not included as part of a scoring system. In
addition, volumetric measures may also be helpful as
shown in a meta-analysis of 13 placebo-controlled
RRMS trials involving more than 18.000 MS patients.
This study revealed that the effects of a given therapy on
T2 lesion volume and the rate of whole brain volume
change combined may explain 75% of its impact on dis-
ability progression [51].
For a practical approach, one may refer to the
MAGNIMS guidelines for MR imaging in MS [58]. It is
recommended to perform the first monitoring scan some
612 months after treatment initiation (rebaselining)
and then yearly thereafter. In order to co-register images,
patients need to be scanned in the same scanner with the
same protocol including field strength of 1.5 T with a
maximum slice thickness of 3 mm (or, better, 3D scans)
and identical sequence parameters, orientation and slice
positioning. For detecting new or enlarging lesions proton
density and/or T2-FLAIR and T2 weighted fast or turbo
spin-echo sequences are recommended. For detecting le-
sions with high inflammatory activity, it is still suggested
to employ gadolinium (Gd) enhanced T1w scans 5min
after Gd administration. The use of linear gadolinium con-
trast agents has become somehow scrutinized with reports
on persistent Gd deposition in the dentate nucleus and
the basal ganglia [21
] after repeated application and re-
cently EMA has restricted use of these contrast agents.
Whereas clinical relevance is uncertain and also modern
macrocyclic Gd agents appear to be more stable, indica-
tion for the application of Gd should follow a clear ration-
ale (e.g. clinical symptomatology, new T2-lesions) [7].
Ideally, this imaging approach will yield a quantitative
output for the same measures across repeat scans (i.e.
lesion counts), and if possible, also volumetric measure-
ments (of T2 lesions as well a s brain structures, and
whole brain). Here, it may be advised to look for a
user-friendly system that automatically generates the re-
quested outputs. One example for for reliable detection
and quantification of T2-weighted hyperintense MS le-
sions is the FLAIRfusion image processing approach.
FLAIRfusion provides reliable detection of newly developing
MS lesions along with strong inter- reader agreement across
all levels of expertise in 35 s of reading time with a com-
bined sensitivity of 100%, and a specificity of 88.2% [48]. In
contrast to such automated protocols to quantify inflamma-
tory activity, the assessment of brain atrophy in real-world
settings is much more complicated and respective auto-
matic analysis pipelines are under development [45].
Beyond MRI, measures of cognitive information pro-
cessing (as previously measured by the PASAT-3 test)
and quality of life (QoL) measures seemed to be strong
prognostic factors as baseline prognostic marker; even
stronger than about 20 other baseline variables investi-
gated, including many MRI parameters [42]. This may
be due to the fact that cognitive dysfunction rather rep-
resents a marker of neurodegeneration than inflamma-
tory activity. According to the concept of brain reserve,
neurodegenerative processes in MS may lead to a de-
crease in intracranial volume with time. Ind ividuals with
a larger cognitive reserve may be able to withstand a
more severe disease burden without suffering cognitive
impairment or dementia [55].
Thus, a cognitive decline on treatment may indicate
inadequate disease control. Yet, the absence of cognitive
Linker and Chan Neurological Research and Practice (2019) 1:5 Page 4 of 8
decline may not necessarily mean the reverse (that the
disease is adequately controlled) - it may simply indicate
that some cognitive reserve is still available and the de-
generative processes are hence masked. Unfortunately,
this brain reserve may be depleted even durin g periods
of apparent remission if disease activity is not kept
under control. In fact, cognitive deterioration is strongly
associated with other measures of disease activity, in-
cluding brain volume change. Recent stud ies have shown
cognition to be a strong and sensitive marker of disease
progression over time [35]. It thus is advised to perform
cognitive testing on an annual basis [29]. Ideally, all cog-
nitive domains should be assessed with a battery of test.
Yet, in clinical practice, this is rarely feasible. If testing
only one domain, it is suggested to focus on processing
speed. Here, the SDMT is the most commonly recom-
mended test which is increasingly available as a digital
tool [1].
In summary, it is important to set a treatment goal
and have an agreed threshold for assessing the treatment
response together with the individual patient. It is im-
portant not to miss activity and to have reliable mea-
sures of disease activity as well as neurodegeneration at
hand, and to employ them in an optimal way. To date,
the best available tool is a standardised quantified MRI
which may depict both, inflammatory activity and
neurodegeneration. In addition, one may consider the
assessment of cognition or QoL to monitor for early de-
terioration in functional reserve with the ultimate goal
not to miss the window of opportunity to optimise
immunotherapy before disability accumulates. The
combination of different measures as applied in the no
evidence of disease ac tivity (NEDA) concept or the
multiple sclerosis de cision model that incorporates
additional neuropsychological aspects may assist in clin-
ical practice, although not all of those models have been
completely validated yet [53].
Switching, sequencing, and stopping of therapy
Since 2011, three new oral treatment options and three
new monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of relaps-
ing remitting MS have been licensed in the EU. This
plethora of new therapeutic concepts leads to new ques-
tions including issues like sequencing of therapies, how
to switch between different compounds, and when to
stop a given therapy. Kobelt and co-wor kers conducted
a cross-sectional study in 16 countries which included
more than 16.000 participants [27]. Patients reported on
their disease, health-related QoL and resource consump-
tion. Adjusted for purchasing power parity, costs were
22.800 in mild, 37.100 in moderate and 57.500 in se-
vere disease. Healthcare accounted for 68, 47%, or 26%
of these amounts, respectively. Thus, costs and utility
were highly correlated with disease severity, but resource
consumption was heavily influenced by healthcare sys-
tems organization and availability of services. A single
center epoch analysis from Italy revealed that the time
from diagnosis to start of treatment was reduced from
over 10 years in the 1980s to less than 1 year in the re-
cent years. At the same time, the odds of reaching an
EDSS 6.0 over the age epoch from 25 to 65 were re-
duced from over 80% to about 20% - a fact which nicely
correlates with the increasing number of available treat-
ment options over time [5].
For sequencing options, different strategies may be
envisioned ranking from slow escalation with switching
between compounds with low or moderate efficacy to
rapid escalation with immediate switching from a com-
pound with lower or moderate efficacy to a compound
with high efficacy. In some cases, a hit hard an early
strategy with immediate start on a high efficacy com-
pound may be the strategy of choice. In short, there are
a large number of possible options, which may crucially
depend on disease activity, drug properties and the indi-
vidual patient profile. When thinking about sequencing
or switching strategies, it is important to remember that
there are few randomized studies addr essing these is-
sues. Many recommendations rely on personal or expert
experience only. In fact, the only randomized phase III
trial directly addressing a rapid escalation setting was
the CARE MS II trial with alemtuzumab treatment in
case of interferon beta failure [6]. Yet, due to severe in-
fections and autoimmunity as possible side effects, this
very switch may not be the most common choice in
every day practice. The mechanism of action of a given
compound, information on pharmacokinetics and
half-life as well as the potential timeline of reversibility
of effects on the immune system are important issues
when considering a switch between compounds. Opti-
mally, such strategies are already considered when start-
ing an individual patient on the very first therapy. To get
a rough idea, compounds for immune therapy of RRMS
may be divided into drugs with anti-proliferative mech-
anism of action, cell depleting antibodies, therapies
interfering with migration or immune cell trafficking
and compounds with multiple perceived mechanisms
(often grossly called immunomodulators). Yet, it is im-
portant to remember that even compounds with a per-
ceived immunomodulatory mechanism of action may
lead to cell depletion as side effect thus bearing the risk
of opportunistic infections. Accordingly, some author-
ities like e.g. the FDA do not follow such classifications.
In any case, switching to a new therapy will require an
appropriate wash-out with at least normalization of
leukocyte or lymphocyte numbers. Yet, a longer
wash-out period may bear the inherent risk of returning
disease activity especially in higher active patients thus
pointing at the importance of pragmatic timelines in
Linker and Chan Neurological Research and Practice (2019) 1:5 Page 5 of 8
individual cases which require thorough information and
consenting of patients on risks of their disease versus
risks of individual compounds. Finally, it is also import-
ant to note that, to date, there are no good routine blood
markers to monitor qualitative changes of immune com-
petence. Thus, treating neurologists may have to rely on
quantitative numbers of leukocytes or lymphocytes in
many situations [25].
Another important issue to consider is the planning of
a family and the wish to have children, particularly in
higher active patients. This topic comprises conception,
pregnancy and lactation [18]. For some compounds like
teriflunomide or also fingolimod, some evidence from
animal studies point at teratogenic effects. Hence, the
summaries of product characteristics recommend strict
contraception and advise not to use them during con-
ception or pregnancy. For teriflunomide, an accelerated
elimination procedure with an 11 day protocol of chole-
styramine or charcoal intake may be applied to yield
plasma concentrations below 0.02 mg/L. In case of
fingolimod, the wash-put period should comprise at least
2 months. For other compounds including dimethyl fu-
marate, monoclonal antibodies and injectables, a careful
approach weighing the individual risks vs. benefits dur-
ing preg nancy is recommended. Regarding pregnancy
outcomes, prospective data sets for more than 300 preg-
nancies are only available for the injectables and natali-
zumab. However, it is worthwhile noting that larger
numbers of inde x cases are ne cessary to also exclude
rarer events. Data on conception under interferon treat-
ment point at a mildly lower birth weight, but no other
signs of malformation or miscarriage [56]. In contrast,
the experience with natalizumab is more ambiguous and
registry data point at an increased overall rate of birth
defects, yet with no specific pattern of malformations
and no increase in spontaneous abortion rate as com-
pared to the general population [10]. In the case of com-
pounds with a short half-life, like dimethyl fumarate,
controlling time periods between stopping treatment
and conception seem easier, but still require careful
planning. Finally, compounds with pulsed or intermit-
tent application like alemtuzumab or cladribine may
offer the chance of pregnancy during drug free intervals
after an appropriate safety margin. However, experience
on pregnancies after exposure to these compounds is
still limited.
During lactation, there are no comprehensive safety
data for any compound on the market and patients are
mostly advised to rely on immunomodulatory effect
of brea st feeding or t o re-start immunotherapy after
After a longer period without relapses, the discontinu-
ation of disease mod ifying therapy (DMT) is a frequently
considered topic in RR-MS. Yet, data on the disease
course after stopping treatment are scarce. In a mono-
centric approach, several factors that could be associated
with remaining relapse free after cessation of DMT were
analyzed [4]. However, these data warrant further cor-
roboration. In an analysis of the MS B ase registry in-
cluding patients with no rela pses for at least 5 years on
DMT, 485 patients stopping DMT were compared to
854 patients staying on therapy in a propensity-score
matched approach. In this study, the time to first relapse
was similar between both groups while the time to con-
firmed disability progression was significantly shorter
among patients stopping DMT than those continuing
(adjusted hazard ratio = 1.47, [24]). These data argue for
careful evaluation of individual patients and their risk for
progression when discussing the discontinuation of DMT.
Moreover, the results are well in line with many data from
registries pointing at longer term effects of modern im-
munotherapy on disability progression, particularly in the
setting of early treatment initiation in RRMS.
Patient and disease heterogeneity at the initial presentation
and during the disease course renders the increasing treat-
ment choices for RRMS very valuable thus allowing for
personalisation of treatment. First, long-term experience
on drug safety and efficacy of a compound may inform de-
cision making. Here, real-world data and well-structured
registries are of particular importance. Second, optimal
monitoring for treatment response is a key issue. Here, it
is strongly advised to employ standardized MRI protocols
with automated and quantifiable algorithms. In addition,
monitoring for cognition, e.g. with the SDMT as screening
tool should be considered.
For strategic long-term planning, the timing of revers-
ibility of immune cell effects is of particular interest. In
short, the ultimate goal for navigating choices in RRMS
management is to choose the right drug for the right pa-
tient at the right time.
CNS: Central nervous system; DMT: Disease modifying therapy;
Gd: Gadolinium; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; NAMW: Normal
appearing white matter; PIRT: Pulsed immune reconstitution therapy;
PML: Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy; PPP: Purchasing power parity;
PRO: Patient reported outcome; QoL: Quality of life; RRMS: Relapsing-remitting
MS; SDMT: Symbol digit modalities test; SIMOA: Single molecule array
Not applicable.
There is no funding.
Availability of data and materials
Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no datasets were generated
or analysed during the curr ent study.
Linker and Chan Neurological Research and Practice (2019) 1:5 Page 6 of 8
Authors contributions
Both authors equally contributed to the conception, literature search and
writing as well as editing of the article. Both authors read and approved the
final manuscript.
Ethics approval and consent to participate
This manuscript does not report or involve the use of any animal or human
data or tissues.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
Competing interests
RAL received compensation for activities with Almirall, Bayer, Biogen,
Genzyme, Merck, Novartis, Roche and Teva as well as research support from
Biogen and Novartis. AC received research support from Genzyme and
Novartis well as personal compensation for activities with Almirall, Bayer,
Biogen, Genzyme, Merck, Novartis, Sanofi, and Teva.
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Author details
Department of Neurology, Un iversity of Regensburg, Universitätsstr. 84,
93053 Regensburg, Germany.
Ambulantes Neurozentrum, Inselspital, Bern
University Hospital, Freiburgstr. 4, 3010 Bern, Switzerland.
Received: 18 September 2018 Accepted: 21 November 2018
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