Gary L. Messing Named Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Materials Research
Gary L. Messing of The Pennsylvania
State University (Penn State) has been
named editor-in-chief of the Journal of
Materials Research (JMR), an archival
monthly publication of the Materials
Research Society. Over the past 23 years,
JMR has published articles, rapid commu-
nications, and reviews addressing more
than 150 different topics on materials syn-
thesis and processing, microstructure, and
properties. Messing succeeds Gordon E.
Pike, Sandia National Labora tories, who is
retiring after eight years of distinguished
service as JMR editor-in-chief.
The 2009 MRS President, Shefford P.
Baker, speaking on behalf of the Search
Committee and Board of Directors, said,
“In Gary Messing we have found the ideal
editor-in-chief to take JMR to new levels of
excellence and build upon the foundation
built by Gordon Pike, who in the past
eight years has made monumental
advances in improving the quality and
technical scope of JMR. Dr. Messing brings
with him years of experience editing
respected journals, and we look forward
to watching JMR continue to grow and
develop under his leadership.”
Messing brings a strong record of edi-
torial accomplishment and leadership
experience to his new role at MRS. He
was co-editor of the Journal of the
American Ceramic Society (1993–1998) and
editor-in-chief of Ceramics Inter national
and principal editor of Materials Letters
(2003–2009). He has co-organized the
International Ceramic Processing Science
Conference with Professor Shin-ichi
Hirano of Nagoya University since 1986,
and he has published over 250 papers
and co-edited 13 books on various
aspects of ceramic processing.
Messing is Distinguished Professor of
Ceramic Science and Engineering and head
of the Department of Materials Science and
Engineering at The Pennsyl vania State
University. He served as director of the
Materials Research Laboratory at Penn
State, and was founding director of the NSF
Industry/Univer sity Cooperative Research
Center on Particulate Materials at Penn
State. Messing received his BS degree (1973)
in ceramic engineering at the New York
State College of Ceramics at Alfred
University and his PhD degree (1977) in
materials science and engineering at the
University of Florida.
Messing has received numerous awards
for his research and leadership in the field
of ceramics including the Richard M.
Fulrath Pacific Award and he gave the
Robert M. Sosman Memorial Lecture of the
American Ceramic Society (ACerS). He
was elected Fellow of the American
Ceramic Society in 1990, served on its
Board of Directors for many years and was
later elected president. In 1999 he was elect-
ed to the World Academy of Ceramics. In
2003 he was recognized as one of the most
“Highly Cited Researchers” in materials
and was honored with the International
Award of the European Ceramic Society for
his international collaborations.
In 2005 he received the Outstanding
Educator Award of the Ceramic Education
Council of ACerS. He served as chair of the
University Materials Council (2005–2006)
and was elected president-elect of the
International Ceramics Federation (2008).
Scientific Societies Meet at MRS Headquarters to Explore a Cooperative
Influence on Washington D.C. Policymakers
An Advocacy Summit of scientific soci-
eties, representing almost one-half million
voices from across the United States, con-
vened at the Materials Research Society
headquarters on January 16, 2009. The goal
of the Summit was to begin finding new,
innovative approaches and a common
voice to convince the U.S. Congress and
the new administration that investments
made in support of science and technology
will lead to economic growth, national
security, and improved quality of life.
The last two years have demonstrated
that the physical sciences are in a serious
fight for federal funding, and the current
economic crisis makes the situation more
difficult and challenging. But this econom-
ic and legislative climate also provides new
opportunities for scientific societies to
engage in the process of providing un -
biased information to assist members of
Congress and the new administration in
making wise investments for the future of
the United States and for the global society.
Joining with MRS in this Summit were
the American Chemical Society (ACS);
American Physical Society (APS); ASM
International; Association for Iron & Steel
Technology (AIST); the Alliance for
Science & Technology Research in
America (ASTRA); The Electrochemical
Society (ECS); Federation of Materials
Societies (FMS); The Minerals, Metals,
and Materials Society (TMS); National
Association of Corrosion Engineers
(NACE); SAE International; and the
University Materials Council (UMC).
While much of this first meeting was
used to “brainstorm” on collaboration
options and ways to leverage the collective
member base around a common message,
it was universally agreed that the number
one issue is to educate Congress on the
need for a long-term, sustainable funding
effort for the physical sciences. This is
essential in order to ensure that U.S. stu-
dents, teachers, businesses, and workers
are prepared to create world-class progress
in innovation, research, and technology.
As a first-step toward this effort, it was
decided that a large-scale letter writing
campaign in support of the Congres -
sional leadership’s funding provisions for
research and development in the Ameri -
can Economy Recovery & Rein vest ment
Act of 2009 was of high priority and
mutual interest for the participating
organ izations. MRS posted its advocacy
letter on the MRS Materials Voice Web
site ( and
sent a call-to-action to its members.
A second phase of this effort will focus
on materials, with a goal of educating and
engaging legislators on the role materials
can, and will, play in solving many public-
policy issues. Materials will be the enabling
technology, contributing in great part to
improving energy efficiency and indepen-
dence, bolstering national security, manag-
ing global climate changes, guaranteeing
clean drinking water, and developing
health care and diagnostic initiatives—all
leading to job creation.
Gary L. Messing