Safety, Tolerability, and Pharmacokinetics of FP-025
the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) composition),
with a wash-out period of 1 week between successive dos-
ing (Fig.3).
In both studies, matching placebo capsules were used.
The randomization code and randomization list were gener-
ated using SAS program version 9.3.
2.4 Safety andTolerability Assessments
Safety and tolerability were assessed throughout the studies
by AE reporting, vital sign measurements, physical exami-
nation, laboratory tests, and ECG examinations. All adverse
events were coded according to MedDRA version 20.0.
2.5 Pharmacokinetic Assessments andAnalysis
In Study I, blood samples (6 mL/sample) for plasma concen-
trations of FP-025 were drawn at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16,
20, 24, and 36 h after each single dose. In Study II, multiple
blood samples were collected post-dosing on Day 1 (at 0.5,
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 h) and Day 8 (at 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8,
10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, and 48 h) as well as immediately
pre-morning dose on Days 2–7 and 2 h post-morning dose
on Days 4 and 6.
After collection, blood samples were kept in ice, and
within 15 min of collection were centrifuged at 2000 rpm for
10 min at 4°C, and, subsequently, the plasma was aliquoted,
frozen, and stored at –70°C pending pharmacokinetics
analyses. The samples were subjected to liquid chromatogra-
phy followed by analyses by tandem mass spectrometry (LC-
MS/MS). The analysis method used for the determination of
FP-025 in human plasma is a liquid-liquid extraction (LLE)
and LC-MS/MS. The LC-MS/MS method has two mobile
phases (mobile phase A and mobile phase B). The m/z tran-
sitions from Q1 mass (393.1 amu) to Q3 mass (194.7 amu)
was in 200 ms. The retention time of the component is 1.26
(min). Precision and accuracy of FP-025 plasma concentra-
tions were evaluated intraday, in three separate analysis runs
acquired on three different days, and interday, over the same
three analysis runs. This method shows adequate precision
and accuracy over a concentration range of 5.00 to 5000 ng/
mL. The assay is selective for FP-025. Stability of FP-025
in sample extracts was confirmed for 96 h at 2–8°C, and for
a batch size at the length injection of 160 extracts. Recov-
ery of FP-025 and the Internal Standard (IS) was consistent
over the concentration range, and the IS corrected well in
the recovery assessment. No carry-over or matrix effect was
observed for FP-025.
The plasma pharmacokinetics variables were derived by
non-compartmental analyses using Phoenix
version 6.3 or higher (Pharsight Corporation Inc., Mountain
View, CA, USA).
Fecal excretion (> 97%) was the dominant elimination
route for 14C-FP-025-derived radioactivity after oral admin-
istration in rats, compared to ∼2% urinary recovery (unpub-
lished data), therefore no urine was collected.
No formal dose-proportionality assessments were done
for API-in-Capsule formulation, due to the low exposure.
For the ASD-in-Capsule formulation, the formal dose-pro-
portionality assessment was assessed using a power model
in which log(PK)=α+βXlog(dose). The area under the
plasma concentration-time curve from time zero to 12 h post
dose (AUC
) was used for the accumulation index. The
observed accumulation ratio calculated as mean AUC
(Day 8)/AUC
(Day 1) were 1.68, 1.68, and 1.69 for doses
of 100, 200, and 400 mg, respectively. At all doses, FP-025
accumulation was approximately 1.7-fold after twice-daily
2.6 Statistical Analysis
Safety and tolerability data were evaluated for the treated
population (all participants who took at least one dose of
study medications). Pharmacokinetic analyses were based
on data from treated participants in whom at least one phar-
macokinetic variable could be calculated and who did not
have any protocol violations that could interfere with these
evaluations. Descriptive statistics were used to evaluate the
safety, tolerability data, plasma concentrations, and pharma-
cokinetic variables of FP-025. Pharmacokinetic variables
were summarized using arithmetic mean, standard devia-
tion, median, minimum, maximum, the percent coefficient of
variation, geometric mean, and a two-sided 95% confidence
limit of the arithmetic mean and the geometric mean. Formal
calculations of sample sizes were not performed. Based on
the nature of the descriptive studies, the number of partici-
pants enrolled in each cohort was considered sufficient to
meet the objectives of these phase I studies and to allow for
assessments of pharmacokinetic variables.
For the evaluations of food effect on the pharmacokinetic
profile of FP-025, the analysis of variance (ANOVA) model
included sequence, treatment, and period as fixed effects and
subject nested within sequence as a random effect using the
SAS® mixed model procedure. Each ANOVA included
calculation of least squares means (LSM), the difference
between LSM under fed condition (Test) over fasted condi-
tion (Reference), and the standard error associated with this
At each time-point, mean, median, standard deviation,
minimum, maximum, number of available observations,
and change from baseline were summarized by numeric