MRS 20th Anniversar
As the
Presidents See
Ideas that Led to
1977MRS President
My year as official President, 1977,
started in
and differed little from the
decade 1967-77, which was, in materials
science terminology, the nucleation phase
of the Materials Research Society. Who
we are today is stamped with the struc-
ture of the nucleus that eventually sur-
vived and reached critical radius. I will
write about our ideological roots, if not
our space group and symmetry.
Max de Pree, CEO of Herman Miller,
which is consistently rated as one of the
best-run corporations in America, has
written in his widely respected book,
is an Art, that every successful
organization and its people must be thor-
oughly imbued with that organization's
own vision and "story." What was the
common vision of the Materials Research
Society founders? Where did they acquire
that vision? How did they bring it to
fruition? Bringing the story of
to its
members is the focus of this short essay.
Although, as the reader can see in my
article on page 74, the beginnings of the
Society are linked, for 16 years, to the
Materials Research Laboratory at Penn
State, the existence of the Materials
Research Society (MRS) is one more proof
of Margaret Mead's wonderful admoni-
"Never doubt that a small group of
thoughtful, committed citizens can change
indeed it's the only thing that
This article is about such a group and
their vision.
MRS was brought into being by a small
group of "conspirators" who were com-
mitted to changing the world of profes-
sional meetings and society affiliations.
They were committed to genuinely
engendering, fostering, and sustaining
interdisciplinary interaction. They knew
that something new had to be done
because, by the late 1960s, in spite of
rhetorical lip service and massive "incen-
by the federal government, most of
the university world had hardly budged
from its disciplinary moorings. Many of
the names of these early founders of the
Society will appear in this article and,
with due apologies to some of them, I
believe that Harry Gatos, Ken Jackson,
Mark Myers, I. Warshaw, and I were the
key players in creating MRS. I served as
host and facilitator of the group. Two
institutions provided most of the (not
inconsiderable) bootlegged support for
several years: Penn State's Materials
Research Laboratory (which I directed)
and the Bell Telephone Labs, via Jackson,
backed by Bruce Hannay, vice president,
and, of course, Bill Baker, president.
was brought into
being by a small group
of "conspirators" who
were committed to
changing the world of
professional meetings
and society affiliations.
In the early phases (1967-83), during
most of which the Society and its precur-
sor activities were administered out of
our lab at Penn State, the vision which
guided those involved with the Society
had certain key elements. First, the
Society was to focus
factors in three dimensions of materi-
als research:
• Interdisciplinary research, with materi-
als science and engineering clearly identi-
fied as one discipline (department),
alongside electrical engineering, physics,
chemistry, etc.
• Interaction along the science-to-engi-
neering-to-technology axis.
• Interaction among institutions of engi-
neering and science: industry, university,
and government laboratories.
Since there were half a dozen materials
societies in place, our vision and opportu-
nity, we knew, lay in the interstices and
overlap. That is what
had to empha-
size to find its place in the lineup.
A second element of the MRS vision
was to be constantly attentive to innova-
tion in the Society's business, which was
enhancing communication among the
Society's members, and from them to the
larger society beyond. Three or four key
innovations, present from the beginning
history, were:
• The use of simultaneous "topical" sym-
posia (like Gordon Conferences) as the
focal points for the entire program. This
model also provided a unique mecha-
nism for involving a whole series of new-
to-MRS scientists in each symposium. (To
this "invention," now copied almost uni-
versally by most disciplinary societies,
MRS owes much of its numerical suc-
• Maintaining a genuine balance of top-
ics within the ellipsoid of interaction to
involve the widest spectrum of interests,
disciplines, and potential members. (A
healthy pattern was established by the
bringing in of two materials groups—the
cement and the "rad waste" groups. Penn
State's MRL had the major university
research efforts in both these fields, mak-
ing it possible, therefore, to offset the
high-tech laser-processing and electronic
materials bias which would have set in.)
• Providing sufficient opportunity for
specialists to apprehend the overall pic-
ture of materials research. Symposium X
has always been very successful in doing
this for senior experienced managers, but
the fraction of attendees taking advantage
of it has become smaller, instead of larger.
• Continuing always to experiment in
the heartland of the Society's business—
innovation in communicating informa-
tion about science among scientists—
beyond meetings, journals, and proceed-
ings volumes. This was the motivation
behind our experiments with live satellite
broadcasting of selected symposium ses-
our videotaping of sessions, and
the video history of our field.
Present and Future
What would that small group of con-
spirators who founded the Society say of
it today?
They would be duly proud of the place
MRS has taken among all the materials
societies. They would be especially proud
of the success of their model for using
topical symposia as the substance of the
meetings. Also, they would be proud of
the involvement of large numbers of new
people, and of the ability the Society has
shown for broadening its base to encom-
pass many different fields of materials.
They would know that we grew on the
back of the rising tide of
and science of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s
and they would look ahead to prepare for
the ebbtide.
Yet there would be, I suspect, some
regrets. Small remains beautiful. The
unwillingness to tame the growth and
grandiosity virus that affects American
institutions has, perhaps, led MRS to
doing more of the same, instead of con-
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