includes all funds operating the whole period
between July 1994 and December 2004.
We find significant asymmetry in biweekly
return distributions in 74 of the 85 portfolios
analysed — this represents a problem when
employing common total risk measures such as
variance or standard deviation, which require
symmetric return distributions to be valid for
general investor preferences. Moreover, we
observe that a subset of the investment funds in
the sample do not attain the average return
corresponding to risk-free assets, a situation
which also leads to anomalies in the performance
rankings resulting from measurements such as
Sharpe’s Ratio or Treynor’s Index.
In order to avoid the two aforementioned
theoretical issues, alternative performance
indices are proposed in the empirical study,
which on the one hand, include risk
measurements such as semi-standard deviation or
absolute deviation and, on the other, approach
the return premium in a relative sense.
The calculated performance rankings resulting
from the application of all the measurements
considered, however, barely differ from one
another. What this suggests is that despite the
anomalies described above, the traditional
performance metrics to be applied. While this
could be a signal that investor preferences are
generally mean–variance in nature, a more plausible
explanation is that the market has matured quite
rapidly and — much faster than some emerging
markets areas — has reached a level where tools for
analysis should be based on those tools applied in
the world’s most sophisticated markets.
We stress that the opinions stated in this paper
exclusively reflect the view of the author and are
not those of Mercer Oliver Wyman.
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