Role of Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) to Enhance the Success of Knowledge
Management (KM): a Study in a Steel Plant
Animesh Agrawal
& Chitranjan Kumar
& Suraj Kumar Mukti
Received: 24 January 2020 /Accepted: 20 September 2020/
Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2020
With the rapid adoption of digit al frugality in the tech no-social circles, it has become the
need of the hour for organizations to adopt advanced technologies like knowledge manage-
ment (KM) within their organization to retrieve and enhance the efficiency of an organiza-
tion in an effective way. This article also depicts the relationship between information
communication technology (ICT) and knowledge management (KM). The research work
has been conducted in four stages. Primarily, Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP), Bhilai, was chosen as
a case for the case study. For the accomplishment of this, a questionnaire survey and
structured discussion sessio ns with the executives of the computer science and information
technology (CS&IT) department of BSP were conducted. Next, factor analysis has been
accomplished through the literature review and brainstorming technique. After this accom-
plishment of factor analysis, the next logical step to follow was to propose a theoretical
framework to ensure the effective use of KM with the integration of ICT in it. Post formation
of the framework, it was validated through the Delphi technique as the final step. The study
found that ICT has a strong positive impact on the success of KM implementation in an
organization. Success factors of ICT are identified and integrated with KM and a framework
is proposed for the same. The purpose of the proposed framework is to optimize the success
of KM implementation using ICT in the steel industry. The article may be insightful for the
organizations seeking to implemen t KM in their organization. The researchers may also be
benefited in establishing a further relationship between ICT and KM.
Keywords Knowledge management
Information communication technology
Case study
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
* Animesh Agrawal
Chitranjan Kumar
Suraj Kumar Mukti
Department of Mechanical Engineering, NIT, Raipur, India
Knowledge is a powerful resource to obtain an insight of vastly valuable heritage
and t o be able to learn, innovate, develop, and achieve new horizons i n the
relevant fields, solving earlier unsolvable difficulties, negating issues and hurdles,
and creating core competencies. For instance, the discovery of electrical induction
through the movement of an iron piece in a magnetic core became the foundation
of the industrial revolution and opened new dimensions for the world to grow. It
thus achieved new horizons of industrializations, solved issues of mass produc-
tion, and negated the issue of readi ly avai lable c heap labor. Sir Francis Bacon said
that knowledge is one of the ultimately prevailing intangible assets for any
organization (Land 2009). Essentially knowledge can be classified into two prime
forms viz. explicit and implicit knowledge (Agrawal and Mukti 2020). Explicit
knowledge is knowledge that can be articulated, structured, and documented. It
can be simple to understand and can be recognized effortlessly. Patents are an
ideal example of explicit knowledge. I mplicit knowledge, also known as tacit
knowledge, is the other form of knowledge that resides in the human subconscious
mind and it is gained from experience, observations, beliefs, and mental models.
Tacit knowledge is neither present in a systematic way nor visible and is difficult
to understand. It is transferred only through conversation and/or narration. Tacit
knowledge has the potential to improve the productivity of an organization
(Woods 2016). Afterthought, the management of both the tacit and explicit
knowledge is known as knowledge management. KM can be defined as the
management tool that can be used to promote and use an integrated approach to
identifying, acquiring, evaluating, retrieving, sharing, and using all of an organi-
zational knowledge asset ( Agrawal and Mukti 2019).Theseassetsareexperimen-
tal experiences, policies, procedures, documents, past un-captured expertise, data-
bases, etc. (Lecerf and Omrani 2019). These intangible assets are important which
play a key role in the success of an organization and it is t he m ain concern of the
management of any organization. Nowadays, the competitive environment of
business has been characterized by becoming more strategic and dyn amic
(Animesh Agrawal 2019). As a result, organizations must take care of intangible
knowledge assets (Daňaetal.2018).
To obtain sustainable economic competitiveness over a long period of time, it is
necessary to adopt the effective use of KM processes through which a proper
knowledge-based economy can be used (Oksana 2018). In recent times, KM is gaining
attention in manufacturing-based organizations as a tool for improving innovation and
shop floor production (Muniz et al. 2010). Bennett (2014) has found that the future of
the manufacturing sector would be more strategic and dynamic (Bennett 2014). KM is
considered a new management tool to facilitate innovation-based activity and shop
floor manufacturing (Uma Mageswari et al. 2017). To get manufacturing brilliance and
to fight the competitive environment, the manufacturing industry will struggle for
efficiency and productivity (Uma Mageswari et al. 2017). As a result, organizations
need to take care of intelligent resource, i.e., knowledge assets to get competitive
advantages. In this context, the ma nufacturing adva ntages of the organization is
determined to a great extent by the use of technological approach, i.e., the use of
information communication technologies (ICTs), which helps to create value and ICT-
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
based infrastructure provides a broad platform for exchanging data, coordinating
activities, and sharing information within the organization (Margijlaj and Bello 2002;
Uma Mageswari et al. 2017).
Information communication technology (ICT) was first developed by the Natural
Resources, Energy and Science Authority of Sri Lanka (NARESA) (Ravindra 2011).
After the introduction of ICT, IBM has also developed ICT in-house to redefine the
strengths of their business consulting. Accenture as well as McKinsey have also
developed ICT to fulfill the requirements of their clients (Barrett et al. 2006). ICT
not only accelerates the economic and social development but also improves the
delivery of public services, transparent and accountable governmental activities, aug-
menting public participation, facilitating and sharing of information through proper
knowledge-sharing activities among the people, and unifying marginalized groups and
deprived regions. According to (Adeola and Evans 2020) ICT enables multiple
distribution channels, especially targeting niche markets that were once almost impos-
sible to identify, reach, or serve. Implementation of ICT within a firm improves its
efficiency and is capable of maintaining the business competitive advantages (Iniesta-
Bonillo et al. 2013). Not only this, but ICT is also capable of maintaining the customer
firm relationship and improving the satisfaction level of the customers as well, impro-
vising their commitment, preference, and loyalty towards the firm. Different authors
have investigated the influence of ICT in different fields and discussed its applications
like the education sector (Iniesta-Bonillo et al. 2013), economic growth (Niebel 2018),
improvement in the sustainable information society (Ziemba 2019), agricultural field
(Aldosari et al. 2019), innovation in SMEs (Idota et al. 2020), etc.
To improvise the success rate of KM, it has been integrated with various manage-
ment practices like human resource management (HRM) (Andreeva and Kianto 2012;
Scarbrough 2003), customer relationship management (CRM) (Gebert et al. 2003;
Liew 2008), innovation practices (Donate and de Pablo 2015; Modi and Rawani
2020), green management (Abbas and Sağsan 2019), supply chain management
(SCM) (Daghf ous and Zou bi 2017), and information communication technology
(ICT) (Hendriks 2001). Literature supports that ICT might be the best useable tool
for knowledge-sharing activity within or even outside of the firms. Different authors
have proposed many frameworks to enhance the capability of KM by implementing
ICT within the firm, which has been discussed later in the Literature Review section.
The formation of objectives is based on the following research queries raised after a
rigorous literature review.
The primary research queries for this study are what are the success factors of ICT
for effective KM processes? and how can ICT be used effectively for improvising the
success of KM? Being specific, this research includes two sets of subsidiary questions
from the perspectives of:
(a) Evaluation of success factors of ICT for effective KM processes and
(b) Framework/strategy/ model to increase the success of KM using ICT in the steel
From the review of previous literature, it can be deduced that literature is available
rarely in the context of steel industries, showing a comprehensive list of success factors
of ICT. So, it is enlightening to extend the research and identify the success factors of
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
ICT for effective KM processes in the context of steel industries. Consequently, it can
also be deduced that no literature has evaluated the impact of ICT to improve the
success of KM. However, a handful number of literatures have shown the relationship
between ICT and KM. From the rigorous literature review, it can also be emphasized
that no earlier article has presented any model/framework/strategy to maximize the
success of KM using ICT in the steel industry.
This research study focuses on the following objectives to minimize these gaps:
& To evaluate the impact of ICT to improve the success of KM.
& To identify the success factors of ICT to ensure the success of KM implementation.
& To prepare a framework/strategy to maximize the success of KM using ICT in the
steel industry.
Literature Review
It is a broadly recognized view that knowledge has become the most important source
to enhance the firms competitiveness (Drucker 1988). KM is a trans-disciplinary
approach in improvising organizational outcomes and knowledge gain (Klimova
2018). In todays knowledge era, it is difficult for an organization to survive in the
market for a long period of time (Animesh and Mukti 2019). Due to the lack of
information about the market change, organizations can face many problems e.g.
popularity in products, feedback from customers, need of the market, etc. (Zmud
2000). In this concern, to increase the firm competitiveness, different tools have
been explored to increase the success rate of KM in any organization such as
ICT. ICT can enhance knowledge sharing by lowering t emporal and spatial
barriers between knowledge workers and improving a ccess to information about
knowledge ( P. Hendriks 1999).
Development So Far of KM
To further enhance ones competitiveness various firms have adopted KM in their
decision-making policy, and several tools and techniques have also been adopted to
increase the adaptability of KM within the firm. KM not only uplifts the competitive-
ness but it also enhances the values and intensifies the innovation activities (Meissner
and Carayannis 2017). To achieve stronger competitiveness, Intezari and Gressel
(2017) have proposed a f ramework discussing the incompatibility of knowledge
exploration and knowledge exploitation. Carayannis et al. (2014) have considered the
influence of competition on knowledge dynamics, the processes of KM like knowledge
conception, differentiation, and evaluation which play a vital role to enhance the
innovative culture within the firms (Carayannis et al. 2014). To further strengthen the
capability and efficiency of KM, IT-supported operations play a significant role and are
capable of managing the knowledge efficiently within or outside the firm (Martinez-
Conesa et al. 2017). Song and Sun (2018) have discussed the KM strategies to enhance
the effectiveness of KM in an organization (Song and Sun 2018). Nguyen et al. (2019)
developed a framework and examined the relationships between technical knowledge
management infrastructure and social KM infrastructure and have witnessed a positive
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
influence on the competitive advantage provided by KM (Nguyen et al. 2019). Jamshed
and Majeed (2019) have discussed that team culture and team performance have a
strong influence on knowledge-sharing activity within the firm (Jamshed and Majeed
2019). Wu and Hu (2018) investigated the open innovationbased KM imple-
mentation to increase the firms competitiveness. Authors have concluded that
independent innovation practices have a significant effect on KM and support
the core business (Wu and Hu 2018).
ICT in Different Sectors
Different authors have discussed the adoption rate of ICT in small and medium
enterprises (SMEs) to improve the innovative characteristics and benefits and to
minimize the barriers influencing internet-based ICT. Internet-based ICT implementa-
tion has the benefits that it offers a low cost yet effective communication tool to the
end-users (Sin Tan et al. 2009). Peansupap and Walker (2005) have discussed the
critical issues to adopt and diffuse ICT into Australian construction contractors
(Peansupap and Walker 2005). SMEs have effective utilization of ICT and factors
that affect the use of ICT have been identified. Jones et al. (2011) have focused on
various industry sectors of Lagos, Nigeria, for the data collection. The study found the
eight key factors for the effective use of ICT in SMEs of Nigeria (Jones et al. 2011).
ICT adoption in educational institutions has a positive effect (Somekh 2008;Sulisworo
2012). Moghaddam and Khatoon-Abadi (2013) have identified the factors for the
successful adoption of ICT in the urban and rural economy of Iran. The research
comprises the case study of the ICT center of Iran. Authors have identified highly
influential factors, viz. individual, social, and the households informative and com-
municative innovation (Moghaddam and Khatoon-Abadi 2013).
Framework in Support of ICT with KM
The framework to ensure the KM with the integration of ICT in steel industries,
especially in developing countries is not available in the literature. A conceptual
framework to enhance the KM using ICT in higher education has an urgent need
(Omona et al. 2010). For the improvement in productivity and other development of an
organization, ICT investment is the need of the present age. To enhance the develop-
ment and productivity, a framework explored in the context of specific impacts of ICT
capabilities on micro-economic outcomes (Samoilenko and Osei-Bryson 2018). Chen
et al. (2011) investigated KM factors affecting the Chinese ICT firms performance and
developed a framework. The research confirms the cultural environment of an enter-
prise is central to the success of the Chinese ICT firm (Chen et al. 2011). Nowadays,
the open innovation model assists to exploit new technologies, new products, and
services to the companies. Web-based intermediaries (WBIs) have come into the
developing innovation marketpl ace and are capable of increasing the number of
innovation interactions in the company (Carlsson et al. 2009). Sometimes, to achieve
organizational competitive advantages, KM practitioners and managers may face
difficulties to adopt effective KM and ICT in their respective situations (Ling 2011).
To overcome these challenges, an organization must have a unique framework to help
the KM practitioners and managers.
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
The methodology of this research is broadly categorized into four sections. In the
first section, the case study of Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP), Bhilai, operated by the
Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has been conducted. The case study is
conducted to accumulate informat ion about the worlds 20th largest steelmaker
and Asias crown jewel steel-making plant. In the second section, after completion
of the case study, variable identific ation has been done through a rigorous
literature review supported by the brainstorming sessions. In this literature review
and brainstorming, 33 success variables of ICT for effective use of KM have been
confirm ed . Afte r confir ma ti on of the variab les , the segreg ati on of varia ble s into
the factors has been achi e ved thr o ugh brainstorming sessions. These variables
have been grouped into 6 factors. In the third section, a conceptual framework has
been developed to enhance the adaptability of ICT for the effective use of KM in
an organization. The fourth section involves the validation of the framework thus
developed through the famous Delphi technique; Fig. 1 shows the flow chart of
the m ethodology adopted, through which one can easily understand the m odus
operandi in completion of this research work.
Case Study of BSP
For the fulfillment of the first objective, a case study of BSP has been done. It is a
renowned steel plant in the Asia Pacific. It was commissioned in the Durg district of
Chhattisgarh state in India in 1959 and stated production in 1959. It is a public sector
unit that comes under the steel authority of India Ltd. (SAIL). It has won the Prime
Ministers Trophy for the best integrated steel plants in the country eleven times. It was
established by the Russian government. There was an agreement, which was signed
between India and Russia in the capital of India, i.e., New Delhi. It is mainly known for
steel rails. It manufactures various steel products. The plant was expanded in 1967
which increased the production to 2.5 million tons (MT) and was further expanded to 4
MT in 1988. The main objective in the 4-MT stage was to achieve the continuous
casting of the plate mill. Its products are marketed through an extensive network of
central marketing organization which has 37 branch offices, 25 warehouses, 27 cus-
tomer contact offices, and a network of 2900 SAIL dealers located all over the country.
The export of its products is managed by an international trade division to a wider
international market. BSP is using KM which helps to manage the knowledge across
the plant. Due to competitive pressure, BSP is continuously improving the KM
performance, for this, the y have started to move from conventional methods to
technological methods. The technological approach is recognized as the best method
to improve the performance of KM and they have started to invest in ICT tools (About
Bhilai Steel Plant | SAIL n.d.).
Now, a question arises in the authors mind that why ICT has become the need of an
organization. An ICT infrastructure promotes and builds the information society (IS) in
a structured manner. This IS provides the structured parameters e.g. creation, storage,
processing, and distribution of information to the users as well as to the decision-
makers (Lal 2017). Theses structured parameters improve the accessibility of KM
effectively. In the context of ambient intelligent environments, technological
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
developments like ICT provide a great opportunity for the integration and the improve-
ment of quality of life of people from vulnerable groups (patients, elderly, people with
disabilities, infants & babies, etc.) (Klironomos et al. 2015). There are so many
problems in the organization while adopting ICT for the effective use of KM. Accord-
ing to Guner and Acarturk (2018), the main problem is the acceptance rate of senior
citizens towards the new technology. It is further clear that ICT and KM play a major
role in improving the various parts of society, e.g., children, disabled citizens, and
elderly in their daily life requirement. To improve the acceptance rate, the authors again
suggested that an ICT interface ought to have a friendlier interface design (Guner and
Acarturk 2018).
Case study of BSP
Identification of
Literature survey
Brainstorming sessions
Grouping into factors
Preparation of
conceptual framework
Validation of
Brainstorming sessions
Finalization of
conceptual framework
If no
If yes
Fig. 1 Flow chart of methodology Adopted
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Grouping into Factors
For the preliminary case study and to find the relation between KM and ICT, data has
been collected through a structured brainstorming session with executives of the
computer science and information technology (CS&IT) department and from other
departments, who were directly or indirectly related to the ICT system. The question-
naire was prepared for arranging the interview (see Appendix 1). Tables 1 and 2
summarize the designation of the executives interviewed and the experience
respectively. The question was asked about the success of KM with the help of
ICT. Consequently, through rigorous literature review and proper brainstorming
sessions, 33 variables have been collected that may cause the success of KM
with the help of the ICT tool.
Table 3 shows the comprehensive list of the variables, which have been identified
through literature review, brainstorming technique, or using both techniques. The
identified variables are the latest technology, experienced person, skilled workers in
large quantity, the availability of an internal technological infrastructure, return on
investment, guaranteed financial support from the top management, work system, take
action as the need arises, firm area expertise, background knowledge of employees,
supportive and committed management support, globalization and technological
change, sufficient support from system vendor, implementation process, fair commu-
nication with top-order authority, interested to change and modify the things, compet-
itive advantage, system security by using ICT, mentoring support, collaboration among
staff and between the departments, support from R&D labs, own capacity to invest,
clear benefits of using ICT, knowledge-sharing culture, ease of use, competitive
pressure, complexity and compatibility of new ICT tools, user skill, clear aim and
vision of the company, innovator, ICT expert¸ people resistance to use ICT, and rules
and policies.
1. Latest technologyThe current need of the organization is the updated version
of ICT tools according to the market demands. ICT tools should be user-friendly
so that everyone can understand and access the same. The industry should be
capable to recognize the best ICT to integrate with KM. The latest technology
possesses various features that can help to improve the performance and process
of KM (Li 2012).
2. Experienced personTo better understand the new information and computer-
ized technology, there should be skilled employees in the field of ICT. The
employees should be expert to handle the raised problems in the context of ICT
(Uma Mageswari et al. 2017).
Table 1 Designation of respondents
Designation of respondents Number of respondents
Manager 3
Assistant Manager 4
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
3. Guaranteed financial support from the top managementICT investment is not
possible in the industry unless the top management takes the guaranteed financial
support, which is one of the major obstacles in ICT investment (Margijlaj and
Bello 2002).
4. Firm area expertiseDifferent specialization can be seen by the various industry
in the global world. According to the experts, the new industry should adopt the
various ICT tools, which are available in the market to increase the firm compet-
itiveness from others (Margijlaj and Bello 2002).
5. Sufficient support from system vendorA selection of ICT consultants or ICT
vendors plays a very important role in the success of ICT implementation in any
industry. The budget comes in the primary stage, budget defines the maximum
purchase of ICT tool for an industry (Bygstad and Lanestedt 2009).
6. Implementation processImplementing ICT tools in the industry is not an easy
task. Initially, implementation is a complex process and it needs good attention
while implementing an ICT tool in the industry. Management can also face
various problems through the implementation process, they have to precisely take
care of the implementation process and coordination of the department.
Information-based technology requires good internal technological infrastructure
so the implementation process becomes easy (Yuen et al. 2003).
7. System security by using ICTResources related to ICT tools are known as
important assets for the industry. As far as protection is concerned for these assets
are very important for every industry. The industry should be capable to protect
themselves from the competitors and should be able to maintain their profitability.
The industry has started various security systems and awareness programs to
enhance system security by using ICT tools (Kruger et al. 2006).
8. User skillProviding skilled workers with the help of a training program, assists
to industry for proper use of ICT in KM processes. Otherwise, the user should
possess some basic knowledge of computer and information-based technology
like how it functions and retrieval. ICT literacy can be increased by hiring
professionals for training purposes and to skill the employees of an organization.
An organization must have a positive environment to improve ICT literacy (Olu
Adeyoyin 2005).
9. InnovatorIn the present era, the firm which prompts the innovation is more
competitive and successful and found always ready to accept the challenges and
to modify themselves accordingly as compare to other firms. Innovation charac-
teristics promote significant importance in adopting ICT tools. It has been found
Table 2 Experience of respondents
Experience Number of respondents
20 years and more 2
10 to 20 years 4
Less than 10 years 6
Total 12
Journal of the Knowledge Economy
Table 3 Identified variables from literatures and brainstorming techniques
S. no. Source Variable names Author(s)/year
1. Literature review Latest technology Li (2012), Tang (2010)
2. Experienced person Uma Mageswari et al. (2017),
Kruger et al. (2006),
Al Mahmud et al. (2013)
3. Guaranteed financial
support from the top
Margijlaj and Bello (2002),
Michailidou et al. (2015),
4. Firm area expertize Margijlaj and Bello (2002)
5. Sufficient support from
system vendor
Bygstad and Lanestedt (2009)
6. Implementation process Yuen et al. (2003),
Velleman et al. (2017),
Coy (2003), Cristóbal-Fransi
et al. (2017)
7. System security by
using ICT
Kruger et al. (2006), Sauer et al.
(2010), Fonseca et al. (2018)
8. User skill Umemuro and Shirokane (2003),
Olu Adeyoyin (2005),
Hanson (2011),
9. Innovator Walsh et al. (2002),
Teece (1992),
Hvannberg (2015)
10. Brainstorming
Skilled workers in
large quantity
11. Return on investment
12. Work system
13. Take action as the
need arises
14. Background knowledge
of employees
15. Fair communication with
top-order authority
16. Interested to change and
modify the things
17. Mentoring support
18. Collaboration among staff
and between the departments
19. Support from R&D labs
20. Own capacity to invest
21. Clear benefits of using ICT
22. Knowledge-sharing culture
23. Competitive pressure
24. ICT expert
25. People resistance
to use ICT
26. Easeofuse
Journal of the Knowledge Economy