The Effect of Microstructure and Environment
on Fatigue Crack Closure of 7475 Aluminum Alloy
The effects of slip character and grain size on the intrinsic material and extrinsic closure contributions
to fatigue crack growth resistance have been studied for a 7475 aluminum alloy. The alloy was tested
in the underaged and overaged conditions with grain sizes of 18/xm and 80/xm. The fracture surface
exhibited increased irregularity and planar facet formation with increased grain size, underaging, and
tests in vacuum. These changes were accompanied by an increased resistance to fatigue crack growth.
In air the 18/xm grain size overaged material exhibited relatively poor resistance to fatigue crack
growth compared with other microstructural variants, and this was associated with a lower stress
intensity for closure. All materials exhibited a marked improvement in fatigue crack growth resistance
when tested in vacuum, with the most significant difference being -1000• at a AK of 10 MPa m v2
for the 80/xm grain size underaged alloy. This improvement could not be accounted for by either
an increase in closure or increased crack deflection and is most likely due to increased slip reversi-
bility in the vacuum environment. The intrinsic resistance of the alloy to fatigue crack growth
was microstructurally dependent in vacuum, with large grains and planar slip providing the better
fatigue performance.
TRADITIONAL design of cyclically loaded components
utilizes the fatigue endurance limit: a parameter experi-
'mentally determined using defect-free samples, l Lately,
fracture mechanics concepts have been used in conjunction
with nondestructive measurements of defects to establish the
maximum cyclic stress below which a detectable crack will
not grow. 2'3 The resulting design parameter used for the
preexisting defect tolerant approach is the threshold stress
intensity range, AK~. Recent studies have shown that the
magnitude of this experimentally determined parameter can
be greatly influenced by closure effects. Elber 4 pointed out
the existence of crack closure in 1970 when he observed that
a crack in a fatigue specimen was closed during a portion
of the loading cycle, even when the minimum load was
tensile. Since crack closure always gives a positive effect,
it reduces fatigue crack growth rates, there is con-
siderable interest in identifying the mechanisms associated
with closure.
Fatigue crack closure was considered by early researchers
to be only a plane stress phenomenon 5 caused by the re-
straint of elastic material surrounding permanent plastic ten-
sile deformation left in the wake of the propagating crack, 4
and was termed "plasticity-induced crack closure. ''6 Later,
crack closure was found to be significant in thick specimens
under plane strain conditions, and attributed to crack
branching and Mode II displacements. 7 Closure resulting
from mode II displacements requires a rough or uneven
fracture surface and is termed "roughness-induced crack
closure. ''6 An oxidizing environment may also influence
closure behavior, and Ritchie and Suresh 8 suggest that
R. D. CARTER is an Engineer, United States Army Corps of Engineers,
P.O. Box 61, Tulsa, OK 74121. E. W. LEE is a Postdoctoral Fellow, Frac-
ture and Fatigue Research Laboratory, Georgia Institute of Technology,
Atlanta, GA 30332. E.A. STARKE, Jr. is Earnest Oglesby Professor
of Materials Science, Department of Materials Science, University of
Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901. C.J. BEEVERS is Professor,
Department of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham,
Birmingham B15 2TT, England.
Manuscript submitted August 15, 1983.
"oxide-induced crack closure" may occur during low crack
growth rates where sufficient time is allowed for the for-
mation of thick oxide layer which prevents the crack from
closing when the load is removed.
Since closure reduces crack propagation rates it is of
practical importance to determine those parameters which
enhance its occurrence. Slip length and slip behavior have
been shown to influence both the fracture path (crack
branching and surface roughness) and environmental sensi-
tivity of fatigue crack growth. 9-~2 The purpose of this study
was to investigate the roughness-induced and oxide-induced
crack closure behavior of 7475 aluminum alloy under differ-
ent microstructural and environmental conditions. Emphasis
was placed on the effect of grain size and deformation mode
on crack closure of compact tension samples subjected to
plane strain conditions in a vacuum and in a laboratory
air environment.
The 7475 alloy used in this research was obtained as
2.5 inch thick plate from the Alcoa Technical Center. The
chemical composition in weight percent is given in Table I.
Starting with the 2.5 inch thick plate, two different inter-
mediate thermomechanical treatments (ITMT's), shown
schematically in Figure 1, were used to obtain the desired
grain structure. They include solutionizing, overaging,
warm rolling, and recrystallization treatments. The large
particles (-1 /xm diameter) that result from the overaging
treatment create strain concentrations during the warm roll-
ing, and these deformation zones act as nucleation sites for
recrystallization. 13 Small grains were obtained by using a
large amount of deformation and rapid heating to the re-
crystallization temperature (Figure l(a)). Large grains were
obtained by using a small amount of deformation and slow
heating to the recrystallization temperature (Figure l(b)).
All heat treatments were conducted in a molten nitride salt
bath except those associated with the rolling operation
which were conducted in an electric air furnace. Samples