is a eutectic with microstructure of bcc(Fe) + Fe
Nb). The XRD pattern and BSE micrograph of alloy
#15 are shown in Figures 3(c) and (d), respectively.
Combining the results of XRD and EDS, the dark and
gray phase are Fe
(Mo, Nb) and l, respectively. The
white phase cannot be determined due to its low
content. The composition of alloy #15 is close to the
Fe-Nb side. Therefore, the Fe
(Mo, Nb) phase first
precipitates from liquid during the solidification process ,
and the liquid composition reaches the monovariant line
(liq. + Fe
(Mo, Nb) fi l). The l phase is formed
around Fe
(Mo, Nb) and hinders the further reaction
between liquid and Fe
(Mo, Nb), resulting in the liquid
composition crosses over the monovariant line (liq.+-
(Mo, Nb) fi l) and the l phase solidifies directly
from liquid. According to the imaging principle of back
scattered electron, the small amount of white phase is
the bcc(Mo, Nb) phase. So, the liquid composition
finally reaches the monovariant line (liq. fi l +
bcc(Mo, Nb)).
The primary solidification phase l is observed in
alloys #16 to #24. The XRD pattern and BSE micro-
graph of alloy #16 are shown in Figures 4(a) and (b),
respectively. The gray phase is the primary solidification
phase l (Fe—35.1 at. pct Mo—7.7 at. pct Nb). The
black and dark gray phases are bcc(Fe) and Fe
Nb), respectively. The XRD pattern and BSE micro-
graph of alloy #19 are shown in Figures 4(c) and (d),
respectively. The bright pha se is determined to be the
primary solidification phase l (Fe—32.2 at. pct
Mo—9.9 at. pct Nb), and the gray phase is Fe
Nb) (Fe—12.0 at. pct Mo—20.9 at. pct Nb). The lamel-
lar microstructure is the eutectic microstructure of
bcc(Fe) + Fe
(Mo, Nb).
Unlike alloys #16 and #19, the XRD pattern of alloy
#24 shown in Figure 4(e) confirms the existence of the
l and bcc(Mo, Nb) phases. The gray phase is the
primary solidification phase l (Fe—3.7 at. pct
Mo—46.0 at. pct Nb), and the lamellar microstructure
is the eutectic microstructure of l+bcc(Mo, Nb). The
composition of alloy #24 is close to the Fe-Nb side.
According to the Fe-Nb phase diagram, the composi-
tion of the liquid inevitably reaches the monovariant
line (liq. fi l + bcc(Mo, Nb)) with decreasing tem-
perature. Therefor e, the microstructures of the primary
solidification phase l and eutectic l+bcc(Mo, Nb) are
observed in alloy #24.
Alloys #25 to #31 are located in the primary
solidification region of bcc(Mo, Nb). The XRD pattern
and BSE micrograph of alloy #25 are shown in
Figures 5(a) and (b), respectively. The bright phase is
determined to be bcc(Mo, Nb) (Fe—71.7 at. pct
Mo—12.5 at. pct Nb). The gray phase around the
bcc(Mo, Nb) phase is r which is formed by the reactions
liq.+bcc(Mo, Nb) fi r and liq. fi r. The dark gray
phase is l which precipitates due to the peritectic
reaction liq. + r fi l. Unlike alloy #25, bright den-
dritic microstructures can be clearly observed in
Figures 5(d) and (f). Combining the experimental results
obtained using XRD and EDS, the bright primary
solidification phase corresponds to bcc(Mo, Nb).
In the present work, the primary solidification phase
R is not observed in any of the alloys.
The DTA curves for a lloys #16 to #18 are shown in
Figure 6. A phase transformation peak with an onset at
1389 C can be observed in the DTA curves. According
to the experimental analysis, alloys #16 to #18 have the
same reaction in the solidification process, namely
liq. + l fi bcc(Fe) + Fe
(Mo, Nb). Therefore, it can
be deduced that the temperature 1389 C corresponds to
the invariant reaction liq. + l fi bcc(Fe) + Fe
Nb). Due to the temperature limitations of the DTA
instrument (SDT-Q600, TA Instruments, USA), only
the temperature of the invariant reaction liq. + l
fi bcc(Fe) + Fe
(Mo, Nb) is determined.
The above experimenta l results were subsequently
used to construct the liquidus surface projection of the
Fe-Mo-Nb system.
B. Thermodynamic Calculations
The thermodynamic parameters obtained for the
Fe-Mo-Nb system in the present work are listed in
Table II, and the calculated invariant reactions in the
Fe-Mo-Nb system are shown in Table III. It can be seen
that the temperature of invariant reaction U
is in
agreement with the DTA results in the present work.
Figure 7 shows the liquidus surface projection calcu-
lated for the Fe-Mo-Nb system using the present
thermodynamic descriptions and present experimental
data. Satisfactory agreement can be seen to have been
obtained between the calculated results and experimen-
tal data. The complete reaction scheme predicted for the
Fe-Mo-Nb system is shown in Figure 8.
Fig. 6—DTA curves of alloys: (a) #16; (b) #17; (c) #18.