The year 2020 marks the ten-year period before 2030 agenda for sustainable devel-
opment (SD) elapses. This timeframe has been declared “A Decade of Action for the
Sustainable Development Goals” by United Nations Secretary-General. During this
period, 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) and their 169 targets adopted in
2015 must be delivered worldwide. Baseline knowledge becomes necessary in this
regard. This book volume is produced as an effort to add to the decade of action for
SDGs by addressing the task of “engagement of stakeholders”—whereby African
academic publishing provides the voice (experiences as outlined by authors) that
propels action with direction. This mode of sustainability reporting is lacking in
most African regions.
The United Nations Secretary-General, Antonio Gutteres, in his 2019 address to
a High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development said: “I am calling on
civil society, grassroot organizations, media, private sector, unions, academia and
others to mobilize partnerships like never before” (https://www.un.org/sg/en/con-
ment-forum). This publication adds this call by contributing knowledge that feeds
into actions toward the 2030 agenda.
Although the African continent hosts a hub of experiences with potential to pro-
vide quality case studies for the content of the 17 SDGs, African academia lacks
behind in contributing knowledge for solutions to global challenges. This is mainly
because African academics struggle to secure quality publishing platforms such as
Springer, the one hosting contributions in this book. Therefore, the publication of
this volume is a step forward in adding the African experience to tackling global
sustainability discourse.
The SDGs were developed in 2012 at the Rio Conference on Development and
Sustainable Development (https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/rio20) as a build
up from the eight Millennium Development Goals (https://www.un.org/millenni-
umgoals/) adopted in 2000. The SDGs were launched in 2015.
Contributions in this book volume provide a “dialogue with stakeholders” aspect
of sustainability reporting. In addition, the book illustrates the potential of academic
publishing to supplement and enhance conventional forms of sustainability