The Raman scattering data on C
powder, compressed in a diamond anvil cell,
indicate that the sample undergoes structural phase transition, from fcc to disordered, between 9
and 15 GPa. The high frequency Raman modes (≥ 1300 cm
) harden with increasing pressure.
The behavior of the lower frequency Raman modes, however, is not straightforward. While some
of these modes soften, others remain unaffected under pressure applied in these experiments. In
the case of the thin film samples, the A
(2) mode shifts by almost 9 cm
compared to its value
for the C
powder. XRD measurements show that the La-doped thin film is crystalline with fcc
structure and the C
thin film is amorphous. The electronic valance bands of these samples are
significantly different in that, in the case of the doped sample, we observe a higher density of the
electronic states at the Fermi energy.
We thank Dr.’s R. Hemley and A. F. Goncharov for invaluable help. Research supported,
in part, by grants from the Department of Energy, grant No. DE-FG03-00ER45840/A000 and the
Welch Foundation, Houston, Texas.
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