neighboring Tb
resulting in a reduction
in luminescence.
In addition, the emitting color varied
from bluish-green to greenish-yellow
with increasing Tb
content. Excited
at 330 nm, the Commission Interna -
tional de l’Eclairage (CIE) chromaticity
coordinates shifted from (0.25, 0.33) to
(0.40, 0.52) as the value of y increased
from 0.1 to 0.6 in the Mg(Y
Melissa A. Harrison
Quantum efficiency improved
in bulk heterojunction PVs
lthough bulk heterojunction photo-
voltaics (BHJs) are attractive as
low-cost solar cells due to their ease of
processability, devices incorporating low-
bandgap quantum dots (QDs) fall short
of the performance achieved by analo-
gous blends of polymers and CdSe QDs.
Previously, D.S. Ginger, S.A. Jenekhe,
and co-researchers at the University of
Washington, Seattle, hypothesized that
the poor performance by BHJs composed
of PbS QDs blended with common con-
jugated polymers is due to insufcient
photoinduced charge transfer at the
organic–inorganic interface. Recently,
Ginger and co-researchers showed that
BHJs made from PbS QDs and new
donor–acceptor polymers exhibit efcien-
cies two orders of magnitude greater than
those observed for blends of PbS with
conventional host polymers.
As reported in the July 14th issue of
Nano Letters (DOI: 10.1021/nl1013663;
p. 2635), Ginger and co-researchers
select ed three polymers (PDTPQx,
PDTPPPz, and PDTPBT; see gure) to
blend with PbS QDs because their ion-
ization potentials show that their highest
occupied molecular orbitals lie within the
PbS bandgap. Photoinduced absorp -
tion (PIA) spectroscopy shows that in the
range of 0.8 eV to 2.2 eV BHJ blends
of PDTPQx and PbS QDs exhibit new
sub-bandgap absorptions by the PDTPQx
and a bleach of the polymer’s bandgap
transition following photoexcitation,
while the PDTPBT blend shows very
weak PIA signal, and the PDTPPPz blend
shows no detectable PIA signals. Because
neat PDTPQx shows no PIA signal, the
researchers attribute the blend’s PIA
spectrum to long-lived polarons on the
PDTPQx polymer chains created by
photoinduced electron transfer from the
polymer to the PbS QDs, leading them
to predict PDTPQx/PbS to perform sig-
nicantly better in BHJ photo diodes than
PbS QDs blended with either of the other
two polymers considered. The researchers
verified this prediction by showing
that the quantum efciencies exhibited by
the PDTPQx/PbS blends are two orders
of magnitude higher than those exhibited
by blends with the other two polymers.
Under simulated AM 1.5 illumination,
the researchers estimated a power conver-
sion efciency (PCE) of about 0.55%,
which is modest in comparison to polymer-
fullerene BHJ cells but is signicantly
higher than BHJ devices made from pre-
vious polymer blends with low-bandgap
QDs. The researchers plan to improve
performance by increasing the PDTPQx
molecular weight to facilitate thicker
lms, and by controlling the shape of
the QDs.
The researchers said, “We anticipate
that the viability of new organic host
materials when blended with PbS should
reinvigorate the study of solution-
processable bulk-heterojunction exci tonic
solar cells made with a range of low-
bandgap nanoparticles and should
facilitate their use in both hybrid photo -
voltaics and photodetectors with bandgaps
tailored via quantum connement.”
Steven Trohalaki
Energy Focus
Normal modes and density of
states achieved in disordered
colloidal solids
olloidal suspensions have been used
as model systems in experimental
research on the fundamentals of statis -
tical mechanics. In colloidal systems,
a crystal or amorphous structural glass
can be produced using traditional hard-
sphere particles such as silica sphere.
However, the perfect crystals produced
with these conventional particles show
spatial homogeneous uctuations. These
uctuations are measured using optical
microscopy to observe individual particle
motion within the interior of the system.
Recently, D. Kaya, N.L. Green, C.E.
Maloney, and M.F. Islam of Carnegie
Mellon University developed an approach
to measure the correlation in particle dis-
placement using strongly disordered col-
loidal crystals composed of deformable
microgel colloidal particles to determine
the normal modes and the density of states
(DOS). Normal modes and the DOS of a
Structures of the polymers used in blends
with PbS quantum dots:
(a) PDTPQx: poly(2,3-didecyl-quinoxaline-5,
(b) PDTPPPz: poly(2,3-didecyl-pyrido[3,4-b]
pyrazine-5, 8-diyl-alt-N-dodecyl -dithieno[3,
2-b:2´,3´-d]pyrrole); and
(c) PDTPBT: poly(2,6-bis(3-n-dodecyl-thiophen-
2-yl)-alt-N-dodecyldithieno [ 3,2-b:2´,3´-d]pyrrole).