J Micro-Bio Robot
always displayed the visual data to the users. We also relied
on user feedback during the present investigation because
our primary goal was to evaluate the contribution of haptic
feedback on user experience. In our future studies we will
investigate the effect of letting the users to complete their
tasks based on force feedback only. In addition, studying
the effect of using different haptic interfaces will be a good
topic of investigation.
The targeted applications for the present system is mostly
in the medical field. For example, one can preform micro-
surgeries and targeted drug delivery using microrobots to
improve accuracy by involving robotic devices. Haptics will
provide the medical personnel the power of intervention
and decision making during these operations. Giving the
surgeon control to guide the procedure will also have
positive affect on the public acceptance of this type of robot
assisted procedure.
Acknowledgments This work was funded by the National Science
Foundation (CMMI 1623324).
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