2 MRS Internet J. Nitride Semicond. Res. 4, 1 (1999).
© 1999 The Materials Research Society
5 illustrates a narrow far-field pattern of the stimulated
The sub-band emissions in the spectra shown in Fig-
ure 4 are known to be composed of many longitudinal
modes. [5] [10] Figure 6 is a spectrum obtained at a
higher resolution on the LD wit ha stripe of 10
m x 800
m. The sample was measured with a pulse width of 1
sec at 1 kHz. It is observed that each sub-band consists
of several sharp peaks with a separation of 0.043 nm.
Assuming that these peaks arises from the longitudinal
modes of the LD, the mode separation
is given by
/ 2Ln
where n is the effective refractive index,
is the
emission wavelength, and L is the cavity length. Given
the values, 0.043 nm, 416.6 nm , and 800
m for
and L, respectively, we obtained 2.52 as the refractive
index n. This value is close to a value calculated from
the optical modes of the structure and similar to a value
Nakamura et al. used in their early work on the pulsed
lasing. [11] However, somewhat larger effective refrac-
tive indexes of 3.3 and 3.6 have been reported in other
papers. [5] [10]
Figure 7a shows L-I characteristics of one of the
LD’s with a stripe of 10
m x 1200
m at different tem-
peratures ranging from 0 to 100
C. The pulse width
was 200 ns at 1 kHz. As shown in Figure 7a, the LD
lased up to a temperature as high as 100
C. However,
the LD showed a degradation phenomenon at 100
C. It
failed at greater current than 5 A. It is certain that with
increasing measurement temperature threshold current
increases. The temperature dependence of threshold
current is shown in Figure 7b. The calculated character-
istic temperature was 155K for around room tempera-
ture operation and 133K for higher temperature
operation. These values are comparable to those of other
group’s InGaN LDs. [5] [10] [12] Kuramata et al. has
reported a similar change in the characteristic tempera-
ture. [5] It is worth noting that the LD showed a kink in
the L-I plot at temperatures higher than 60
C with more
apparent appearance at higher temperature. Nakamura et
al. suggested that such a kink in the L-I plot for their
high power LD was due to the change in emission mode.
[13] More work is necessary to verify the origin of the
4 Conclusion
We demonstrated the room temperature pulsed lasing of
InGaN/GaN MQW blue LD grown by a multi-wafer
MOCVD system. Threshold current density was found
to be 20.3 kA cm
for 10
m x 800
m stripe LD. The
operating voltage at this threshold current density was
16.5 V. Above the threshold current a strong and well-
defined emission mode with a peak spacing of 0.72 nm
was observed. The refractive index calculated from the
spacing between longitudinal modes was 2.52. The
measured characteristic temperature was between 130
and 150K.
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