Topics in Catalysis
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13. Ayodele BV, Khan MR, Lam SS, Cheng CK (2016) Production
of CO-rich hydrogen from methane dry reforming over lanthania-
supported cobalt catalyst: kinetic and mechanistic studies. Int J
Hydrog Energy 41:4603–4615. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhyd
14. Mesrar F, Kacimi M, Liotta LF, Puleo F, Ziyad M (2018) Syn-
gas production from dry reforming of methane over ni/per-
lite catalysts: effect of zirconia and ceria impregnation. Int J
Hydrog Energy 43:17142–17155. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhyd
15. Li N, Li Y, Jiang R, Zhou J, Liu M (2019) Photocatalytic coupling
of methane and CO
into C
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catalysts. Appl Surf Sci 498:143861. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.
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16. Ma Y, Harding JD, Tu X (2019) Catalyst-free low tempera-
ture conversion of n-dodecane for co-generation of CO
hydrogen and C
hydrocarbons using a gliding arc plasma. Int J
Hydrog Energy 44:26158–26168. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhyd
17. Sundaram KM, Shreehan MM, Olszewski EF (2001) Ethylene.
In: Kirk-Othmer encyclopedia of chemical technology. American
Cancer Society
18. Istadi I, Amin NAS (2006) Optimization of process parameters
and catalyst compositions in carbon dioxide oxidative coupling
of methane over CaO-MnO/CeO
catalyst using response sur-
face methodology. Fuel Process Technol 87:449–459. https ://doi.
org/10.1016/j.fupro c.2005.11.004
19. Istadi I, Amin NAS (2006) Hybrid artificial neural network—
genetic algorithm technique for modeling and optimization of
plasma reactor hybrid artificial neural network—genetic algorithm
technique for modeling and optimization of plasma reactor. Ind
Eng Chem Res 45:6655–6664. https ://doi.or g/10.1021/ie060 562c
20. Koschwitz D, Frisch J, van Treeck C (2018) Data-driven heating
and cooling load predictions for non-residential buildings based
on support vector machine regression and NARX recurrent neural
network: a comparative study on district scale. Energy 165:134–
142. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.energ y.2018.09.068
21. Alsaffar MA, Ayodele BV, Mustapa SI (2019) Scavenging carbon
deposition on alumina supported cobalt catalyst during renewable
hydrogen-rich syngas production by methane dry reforming using
artificial intelligence modeling technique. J Clean Prod 119168.
https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclep ro.2019.11916 8
22. Ayodele BV, Alsaffar MA, Mustapa SI, Vo DN (2020) Back-prop-
agation neural networks modeling of photocatalytic degradation
of organic pollutants using TiO
-based photocatalysts. J Chem
Technol Biotechnol 95(10):2739–2749. https ://doi.org/10.1002/
23. Al-Haiqi O, Nour AH, Ayodele BV, Bargaa R (2020) Bayes-
ian regularization-trained multi-layer perceptron neural net-
work predictive modelling of phenol degradation using ZnO/
photocatalyst. J Phys Conf Ser 1529:052058. https ://doi.
org/10.1088/1742-6596/1529/5/05205 8
24. Li H, Zhang Z, Liu Z (2017) Application of artificial neural
networks for catalysis: a review. Catalysts 7:306. https ://doi.
org/10.3390/catal 71003 06
25. Ehsani MR, Bateni H, Razi Parchikolaei G (2013) Modeling
of oxidative coupling of methane over Mn/Na
lyst using artificial neural network. Iran J Chem Chem Eng
26. Ehsani MR, Bateni H, Parchikolaei GR (2012) Modeling the oxi-
dative coupling of methane using artificial neural network and
optimizing of its operational conditions using genetic algorithm.
Korean J Chem Eng 29:855–861. https ://doi.org/10.1007/s1181
27. Huang K, Zhan XL, Chen FQ, Lü DW (2003) Catalyst design for
methane oxidative coupling by using artificial neural network and
hybrid genetic algorithm. Chem Eng Sci 58:81–87. https ://doi.
org/10.1016/S0009 -2509(02)00432 -3
28. Istadi I, Amin NAS (2006) Hybrid artificial neural network-
genetic algorithm technique for modeling and optimization of
plasma reactor. Ind Eng Chem Res 45:6655–6664. https ://doi.
org/10.1021/ie060 562c
29. Hossain MA, Ayodele BV, Cheng CK, Khan MR (2016) Artifi-
cial neural network modeling of hydrogen-rich syngas production
from methane dry reforming over novel Ni/CaFe
catalysts. Int
J Hydrog Energy 41:11119–11130. https ://doi.or g/10.1016/j.ijhyd
30. Hossain MS, Ong ZC, Ismail Z, Khoo SY (2017) A comparative
study of vibrational response based impact force localization and
quantification using radial basis function network and multilayer
perceptron. Expert Syst Appl 85:87–98. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.
31. Garson GD (1991) Comparison of neural network analysis of
social science data. Soc Sci Comput Rev 9:399–434
32. Sunphorka S, Chalermsinsuwan B, Piumsomboon P (2017) Appli-
cation of artificial neural network for kinetic parameters predic-
tion of biomass oxidation from biomass properties. J Energy Inst
90:51–61. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.joei.2015.10.007
33. Chen D, Lødeng R, Anundskås A etal (2001) Deactivation
during carbon dioxide reforming of methane over Ni catalyst:
microkinetic analysis. Chem Eng Sci 56:1371–1379. https ://doi.
org/10.1016/S0009 -2509(00)00360 -2
34. Ginsburg JM, Piña J, El Solh T, De Lasa HI (2005) Coke forma-
tion over a nickel catalyst under methane dry reforming condi-
tions: thermodynamic and kinetic models. Ind Eng Chem Res
44:4846–4854. https ://doi.org/10.1021/ie049 6333
35. Abdolahi F, Mortazavi Y, Khodadadi A etal (2005) Modeling of
methane oxidative coupling under periodic operation by neural
network. Chem Eng Technol 28:581–586. https ://doi.org/10.1002/
ceat.20040 7041
36. Han H-G, Qiao J-F, Chen Q-L (2012) Model predictive control
of dissolved oxygen concentration based on a self-organizing
RBF neural network. Control Eng Pract 20:465–476. https ://doi.
org/10.1016/j.conen gprac .2012.01.001
37. Alsaffar MA, Ayodele BV, Mustapa SI (2020) Scavenging carbon
deposition on alumina supported cobalt catalyst during renew-
able hydrogen-rich syngas production by methane dry reform-
ing using artificial intelligence modeling technique. J Clean Prod
247:119168. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclep ro.2019.11916 8
38. Hashemi Fath A, Madanifar F, Abbasi M (2020) Implementa-
tion of multilayer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function
(RBF) neural networks to predict solution gas-oil ratio of crude
oil systems. Petroleum 6:80–91. https ://doi.org/10.1016/j.petlm
39. Crowley JN, CampuzanoJost P, Moortgat GK (1996) Temperature
dependent rate constants for the gas-phase reaction between OH
and CH
OCl. J Phys Chem 100:3601–3606
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