Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
mechanical systems and other areas [13,23]. Over the last decade, the positive real-
ness analysis and positive real control problems for descriptor systems have aroused
the scholars great attention. For instance, [38] first proposed extended strictly posi-
tive real conditions for continuous-time and discrete-time descriptor systems based
on the generalized Riccati equation and inequality. [34] established a new extended
strictly positive real condition for discrete descriptor systems by means of strict LMIs
technique, which is different from the non-strict case in [38]. To improve the previous
results in [35,38] presented another version of positive real lemma for descriptor sys-
tems. But the above articles mainly focus on the impulse-free descriptor system, [7]
removed the extra assumption on the system and put forward the extension version
of Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov(KYP) lemma in the behavioral framework. Applying
the similar idea, [26,27] i nvestigated a more general KYP inequality for differential-
algebraic systems. Regarding the positive real control problem, [19] studied the robust
control problem for uncertain descriptor systems based on the bounded real lemma.
[8,28] mainly considered how to design feedback control to enable the closed-loop
system to be positive real, strictly positive real and extended strictly positive real,
In fact, a large number of physical systems are more suitable to model by second-
order or high-order differential algebraic equations. Second-order descriptor systems
have wide applications in the vibration control of mechanical systems, the control
of electric power systems, the analysis and modelling of flexible beams systems (see
[2,9,29]). The high-order descriptor system consisting of high-order matrix differen-
tial equation with singular coefficient matrix is associated with the matrix polynomial
of degree k > 2, which also arouses broad applications in complex multibody system
with linear constraints [3] and linear multivariable control systems [17 ,31]. Concern-
ing the control of s econd-order systems, most results are focused on controllability
and observability [20,30], pole placement [4,5], eigenstructure assignment [14,36],
stability [16,39] and robust H
control [37]. Regarding the control of the high-order
descriptor system, there are very limited research results; [15] dealt with the robust
pole assignment with the proportional plus derivative state feedback. [21] addressed
the controller design problem based on requirements on tracking performance and
disturbance rejection. But until now, no research results are published that consider
the positive realness for second-order and high-order descriptor systems in the existing
studies. Generally, for analyzing second-order or high-order descriptor systems, the
classical way is to convert the original system into the first-order descriptor system by
linearization approach, while this method needs a quite complicated calculation pro-
cedure, and there is also no standard way to perform the transformation. In particular,
when the leading coefficient matrix is singular, the linearization transformation may
change the infinite zero structures of the original systems [22], so that the solution
space of the original system is different from that of the linearized system. Moreover,
for the large systems, the linearized system suffers from increased dimension, which
greatly reduced the computation efficiency [4]. Therefore, to overcome these draw-
backs, the most effective way is to directly use the original system’s parameters to
study the positive realness of second-order or high-order descriptor systems.
In this paper, our main purpose is to determine the conditions under which second-
order descriptor systems are strictly positive real without linearization transformations.