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misfit between the SrTiO
and the SrRuO
layers is,
however, mainly accommodated by elastic strain. Differ-
ent types of interface structure are found. In particular,
{110} planar defects in the SrTiO
layer are generated at
the interface area where a change of interface struc-
ture occurs.
J.S.Wu is grateful for support from the Alexander von
Humboldt-Stiftung. The work at Pennsylvania State was
partially supported by NSF under Grant No. DMR-
9702632 and by the DARPA FAME Program under Con-
tract No. DABT63-98-1-002.
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J.S. Wu
et al.:
Microstructure and misfit relaxation in SrTiO
bilayer films on LaAlO
(100) substrates
J. Mater. Res., Vol. 16, No. 12, Dec 20013450