Second Language Learning and Teaching
Christine Coombe
Neil J Anderson
Lauren Stephenson Editors
Your English
Second Language Learning and Teaching
Series Editor
Mirosław Pawlak, Faculty of Pedagogy and Fine Arts, Adam Mickiewicz
University, Kalisz, Poland
The series brings together volumes dealing with different aspects of learning and
teaching second and foreign languages. The titles included are both monographs
and edited collections focusing on a variety of topics ranging from the processes
underlying second language acquisition, through various aspects of language
learning in instructed and non-instructed settings, to different facets of the teaching
process, including syllabus choice, materials design, classroom practices and
evaluation. The publications reect state-of-the-art developments in those areas,
they ado pt a wide range of theoretical perspectives and follow diverse research
paradigms. The intended audience are all those who are interested in naturalistic
and classroom second language acquisition, including researchers, methodologists,
curriculum and materials designers, teachers and undergraduate and graduate
students undertaking empirical investigations of how second languages are learnt
and taught.
More information about this series at
Christine Coombe
Neil J Anderson
Lauren Stephenson
Professionalizing Your
English Language Teaching
Christine Coombe
Dubai Mens College
Higher Colleges of Technology
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Lauren Stephenson
School of Education
The University of Notre
Dame Australia, Sydney
Chippendale, NSW, Australia
Neil J Anderson
English Language Teaching and Learning
Brigham Young UniversityHawaii
Laie, HI, USA
ISSN 2193-7648 ISSN 2193-7656 (electronic)
Second Language Learning and Teaching
ISBN 978-3-030-34761-1 ISBN 978-3-030-34762-8 (eBook)
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020
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We would like to thank those who have served as role models for us. From those
individuals, we met early on in our careers, Gilbert Jarvis, Elizab eth B. Bernhardt,
Charles Hancock and Keiko Samimy (for Christine); Cheryl Brown, Patricia L.
Carrell, David Eskey, Andrew D. Cohen and Harold Madsen, (for Neil) and Neil
England, Robyn Cox, Tania Aspland, Barbara Harold and Rashida Badri (for
Lauren) to the many TESOL professionals that we have encountered since over the
course of our careers. These individuals, many of whom are chapter authors in this
book, have shown us what it really means to be a TESOL professional and it is to
them that this book is dedicated.
As always, our respective families have provided us with much-needed support
throughout the writing and publication process. We also acknowledge our students
and share our sincere appreciation for the opportunities they have given us to learn
and grow with them.
Volume Introduction: What It Means to Be a TESOL Professional .... 1
Christine Coombe and Chloe Burridge
Language Teacher Professionalism: What Would Learners
Say (WWLS)?
............................................ 13
Víctor Parra-Guinaldo and Tammy Gregersen
Language Teacher Professional Identi ty
......................... 27
Aymen Elsheikh and Elham Yahia
Teacher Stress, Its Effects and Management
..................... 39
Suan Abu-Rmaileh
Increasing Your Happiness Quotient
........................... 53
Christine Coombe and Neil J Anderson
The Importance of Emotional Intelligence Skills for Language
................................................. 65
Christine Coombe, Faouzi Bouslama, Lana Hiasat, Carmen Medina,
and Rose Manser
How the Most Productive TESOLers Fit it all in: Strategies
for Productivity and Efciency
................................ 85
Christine Coombe, Phil Quirke, Justin Shewell, and Mashael Al-Hamly
A Paradigm Shift in Balancing Your Professional
and Non-professional Life
................................... 103
Neil J Anderson
Developing a Personal and Professional Strategic Plan
............. 115
Christine Coombe
Listen and Ask, Visualize and Story-Tell: Communication Skills
that Develop Our Professional Collective Efcacy
................. 129
Tim Murphey and Kevin Knight
Enhancing Your English Language Prociency ................... 141
Zohreh R. Eslami
Developing Knowledge and Skills for Working with Conict
......... 151
MaryAnn Christison and Denise E. Murray
Professionalizing Your Use of Technology in English
Language Teaching
........................................ 163
Greg Kessler
Establishing Your Online Prole
.............................. 175
Christine Sabieh
Transforming Yourself into an Online Educator
.................. 185
Jacqueline S. Stephen
Developing Leadership Capacity in English Language Teaching
...... 197
Lauren Stephenson
Transitioning from Educator to Educational Leader
............... 207
Lana Hiasat
Mentoring and Coaching for English Language Teachers
........... 221
Barbara Harold
Priming the Pump: Giving Back to the Profession
................. 233
Kathleen M. Bailey
Engaging in Reective Practice: A Practical Guide
................ 243
Andy Curtis
Continuous Professional Development: The Seeds
of Professionalism
.......................................... 253
Gabriel Díaz Maggioli
Creating Your Own Professional Development and Lifelong
Learning Plan
............................................ 263
Phil Quirke
Conference Organization as a Path to Professional Development
...... 281
Melanie Gobert
Engaging in Professional Associations: Professional Organizations
as a Critical Component of the ELT Profession
................... 291
Rosa Aronson
Professionalizing Practice Through Research
..................... 303
Dudley Reynolds
A Research Group as a Professional Learning Community:
Collaborations Within and Across Institutions
.................... 315
Sharon L. Smith, Loren Jones, and Luciana C. de Oliveira
viii Contents
Contextualizing Your Research Project ......................... 327
Ali Shehadeh
Growing Our Research Impact
............................... 337
Minh Thi Thuy Nguyen and Willy A. Renandya
Doing a Conference Presentation
.............................. 349
Christel Broady
The World Needs You: Sharing Your Work and Getting Published
... 361
Andrew Littlejohn and Hayo Reinders
Publishing Pedagogical Materials
.............................. 373
Gary Pathare and Emma Pathare
Navigating the ELT Employment Lands cape
..................... 381
Jonathan Aubrey
Expanding Your Geographic Horizons
.......................... 393
John Schmidt and Liz England
Surviving the Promotion and Tenure Process
.................... 407
Mark Wolfersberger
Volunteering Professionally: Service to Your Profession,
Your Colleagues and Your Community
......................... 419
Mark Algren
ELT Professionals Prepare for Retirement
....................... 429
Hayo Reinders and Marilyn Lewis
Contents ix
Editors and Contributors
About the Editors
Christine Coombe has a Ph.D. in Foreign/Second Language Education from the
Ohio State University. She is currently an Associate Professor of General Studi es at
Dubai Mens College in the UAE. Christine is co-editor and co-author of numerous
volumes on F/SL assessment, research, leadership, teacher evaluation, and TBLT.
Her most recent publications are The Role of Language Teacher Associations in
Professional Development (2018, Springer) and Innovation in Language Learning
and Teaching: The Case of the Middle East and North Africa (2019, Palgrave
MacMillan). Christine served as President of the TESOL International Association
(20112012) and in 2017 was named to TESOLs 50@50 which recognizes
professionals who have made signicant contributions to the TESOL profession
within the past 50 years. Dr Coombe is the 2018 recipient of the James E. Alatis
Award which recognizes exemplary service to TESOL.
Neil J Anderson is a Professor of English Language Teaching and Learning and
an Associate Director at the Edward D. Smith Center for Learning and Teaching at
Brigham Young University, Hawaii. Professor Anderson is the author or co-editor
of over 50 books, book chapters, and journal articles. His research interests include
second language reading, language learn er strategies, learner self-assessment,
motivation in language teaching and learning, and ELT leadership development.
Professor Anderson served as President of TESOL International Association from
2001 to 2002. He has been a Fulbright Teaching and Research Scholar in Costa
Rica (20022003) and in Guatemala (20092010). Professor Anderson was the
2014 recipient of the prestigious TESOL International Association James Alatis
Service Award. In 2016, on the 50th anniversary of the TESOL International
Association, Professor Anderson was recognized as one of the 50 individuals who
has made a signicant contribution to the profes sion of teaching English to speakers
of other languages.